Sunday, July 29, 2012

I apologize that I wasn't on the web this evening...

..., but, I was at an emergency room with a friend. I told him he wasn't the best candidate for erectile dysfunction medication, but, no one listens to me. I refused to be held liable.

If anyone listen to me the planet wouldn't be burning up.

That is a joke. Seriously, it is a joke. Not about the planet about the friend. I hate emergency rooms and they give me a very strange sense of humor.

All joking aside, I was with a friend at a social event and we were having a really great time. The party was coming to an end so we started to leave. We were walking back to the parking area when she screamed, "I am shocked." 

I was like, what? She had just pulled out her cell phone and keyed it because it was turned off during the party and I thought the phone shocked her. Wrong. I looked at her face and I knew then it was not the cell phone. Her defibrillator went off.

I occurred quite suddenly and without warning. But, she is fine. The hospital is keeping her overnight and will adjust the defibrillator in the morning. 

I think it was her boyfriend, actually. We were having a great time and she was absolutely in the moment, smiling, forgetting all about life and then we start to leave and the defibrillator goes off. 

She's only 45 years old and then in March she has an episode of V-Fib out of the clear blue sky. She really needs to change her lifestyle. Too much stress, too much disappointment and she needs to dump the guy.

So, I'm going to get some sleep, listen to the morning news and go visit her to find out if she is coming home. 

Good night.