Sunday, June 24, 2012

Private equity could not pay for it.

The idea Teddy Roosevelt had was one of patriot standing. The USA had coast on both oceans. There was no way of protecting them except by overland transport and naval vessels on both shores. But, to have a method of ship movement across the tropics where ice and extreme weather would not be a problem expedited any naval mission by the USA.

Taking control of the project dividing a small nation unrelated to the USA was strategic and economic. Teddy Roosevelt knew a good idea when he saw it no matter how much controversy surrounded it.

REDD + is a very interesting program. I believe it has some issues, but, it is encouraging to realize the Panama Canal is taking environmental stewardship seriously; Teddy Roosevelt certainly would have taken is seriously as well.

Panama Canal to Protect Watershed Forests

REDD + program to encourage sustainable activities will be applied in Panama for the first time (click title to entry - thank you)
The Panama Canal Authority is moving to cut carbon emissions in the environmentally sensitive watershed zone around the canal by encouraging sustainable use of its forests.
It signed a technical cooperation agreement Thursday with Panama’s National Environmental Authority and the German Agency for International Cooperation to apply mechanisms that will reduce emissions.
The agreement is designed to establish the terms and conditions for the design and implementation of a pilot program in the Panama Canal watershed and compensation mechanisms for the sustainable management of forest resources that can be replicated nationwide under the parameters of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, a program known as REDD +.
The REDD + program, which will be applied in Panama for the first time, will encourage the transition from certain activities that affect the forests to others that are sustainable, thus reducing harmful patterns of land use....