...The rally (click here) seems to have consisted of right-wing politicians spewing one distortion after another about the Walker administration’s policies and their opponents’ intentions. The interviews with the audience members unfortunately show a typical “tea party” misunderstanding of the issues, and that Republicans’ talking points about collective bargaining and teachers’ health benefits have taken root with at least the party’s avid supporters....
For an appearance by a Lt. Governor, there was not a large crowd.
I always considered political courage to be standing up for individual rights. It is far more difficult to achieve political change through peaceful courage then it is to destroy the process that provides that OPPORTUNITY.
It is nearly laughable to hear people state, "I have to pay for mine." in regard to benefit costs in the private sector. Does the woman who said that realize what the profit margin is for her private employer that has no problem with her paying for her benefits? That is ridiculous and oppresses the American economy. The money she is paying for benefits could be going to her children's or grandchildren's education fund rather than stockholder profits. The profits on Wall Street these days is exploitative for the very reason she states.
Wouldn't it be great if all of government were privatized and everyone had to pay for their own benefits while receiving bargain basement services.
It is nearly laughable to hear people state, "I have to pay for mine." in regard to benefit costs in the private sector. Does the woman who said that realize what the profit margin is for her private employer that has no problem with her paying for her benefits? That is ridiculous and oppresses the American economy. The money she is paying for benefits could be going to her children's or grandchildren's education fund rather than stockholder profits. The profits on Wall Street these days is exploitative for the very reason she states.
Wouldn't it be great if all of government were privatized and everyone had to pay for their own benefits while receiving bargain basement services.