Thursday, April 26, 2012

I thought bin Laden was dead?

More repressive government by the GOP in the House.  This is a bill that panders to Wall Street, it includes invasion of privacy by CEOs gathering information about customers.

We put up with privacy invasion by the phone companies, but, at what point does the USA protect citizens again?  Never?  Forever, CONSUMERS are suppose to have their lives open to Wall Street for marketing purposes?  That also interprets to selling marketing information for political gain as well.  Is there any wonder the GOP House passed this?

The Senate has another cyber security bill, but, are running to pass it.  I would think at this point in time if the national security required chronic protection from its own citizens, they would return to PAPER and files and microfilm and leave the rest of us alone!

26 April 2012 Last updated at 19:52 ET
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (Cispa), (click here) would allow the government to access web users' private data on suspicion of a cyber threat.
It would also allow easier information-sharing between security agencies and private web firms.
Advocacy groups claim that it is aimed at file-sharers rather than hackers.
They also raised concerns about the transparency of the act.
In a statement on Wednesday, the White House said Mr Obama would veto the act if it reached his desk....