Friday, February 17, 2012

The Religious Bigots turned out in full self-righteous regalia, including Humpty Dumpty.

The New Jersey House and Senate did NOT pass Civil Union legislation and the Governorship is not a dictatorship.  The VETO by Christi was completely based in hatred for equality of all citizens of New Jersey.  The citizen's legislature represents the State's people.
Just that simple.
The VETO had absolutely no valid justification and stands as testament to the Govrenor's self-righteous political ambitions as a Tea Party Darling.  If the Governor actually had reasons backed by facts for such a veto there would be reason to give it a second thought, but, this?  This is nothing but a Governor espousing and validating hatred.  There is nothing else to discern from his actions.  The veto had no basis for its use and he was inflicting pain on those that worked so hard to pass the legislation in the New Jersey State House and Senate.  If Humpty Dumpty feels pain at the insult to his physical appearance, then he now knows what he did to all the citizens of New Jersey that would have benefited from legislation passed by THE PEOPLE.   He should FEEL IT and learn exactly what a bully he is.
...Christie conditionally (click here) vetoed the bill six hours after it reached his desk, a day after the state Assembly gave the final legislative approval that he said he would not support.
"I have been just as adamant that same-sex couples in a civil union deserve the very same rights and benefits enjoyed by married couples — as well as the strict enforcement of those rights and benefits,’’ Christie said in a prepared statement.
"Discrimination should not be tolerated and any complaint alleging a violation of a citizen’s right should be investigated and, if appropriate, remedied."...
Darrel Issa should be admired for his overt bigotry and mysgyny.  He is working as hard as he can to defame the President.  What a guy.

4. Chairman Issa’s decision (click title to entry) to hold hearing on whether contraception rule violates religious liberty but only inviting people to testify who already believe said rule violates religious liberty.

The panel crafted by Issa consisted of four people followed by another panel of about the same number.  All were religious bigots and under represented the many, many religions and faiths in the USA.  Of course, Issa knew including any non-religious testimony was unnecessary as it is only the 'religious exception' needed to oppress women into servitude that was important.  He has his priorities straight.  You can tell he is a Glen Beck and Murdoch media icon.  His abilities to hold everyone's attention with hideous use of federal committee time is a tribute to his camera savvy ability.  No cost is too great to be heard as the Right Wing Zealot that can take the heat from California liberals.  So long as Issa can command the bully pulpit for the GOP others can be camera shy and out of ridicule of their constituency.

I don't know that there is sincerely more to say, it was all a Dog and Pony Show to political fervor of men that appear to hold power over others.  The Show was at taxpayer expense, accomplished nothing and caused sincere pain across the spectrum of citizens it victimized.  They aren't capable of governing.  If it wasn't obvious today, don't know when it ever will be.

While the media hype is on these jokers, they appear to have influence and power which is intended to diminish the authority of the President and the office.  It is all gamesmanship at the cost of others.  I do believe there are huge ethical issues here if anyone care to investigate them.

The Replay (click here)

Immorality -- or Empowerment?
At the core of the sexual revolution was the concept -- radical at the time -- that women, just like men, enjoyed sex and had sexual needs. Feminists asserted that single women had the same sexual desires and should have the same sexual freedoms as everyone else in society. For feminists, the sexual revolution was about female sexual empowerment. For social conservatives, the sexual revolution was an invitation for promiscuity and an attack on the very foundation of American society -- the family. Feminists and social conservatives quickly clashed over morality of the "sexual revolution," and the Pill was drawn into the debate.