Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Perry did the trick. He defeated Bachmann after the Iowa straw poll.

Social Conservatives are never nominated.  They win in places like Iowa, but, they never make the nomination.  The Fiscal Conservative is always the nominee.

The problem with Fiscal Conservatives is the method of which they are fiscally irresponsible and how they buy their economy with the USA treasury by primarily over reaching on foreign soil to allow cronies to handle natural resources.

Romney is a fiscal conservative and is already stating how the USA doesn't use its natural resources to its best outcomes.  Really?  Currently, the leases purchased by private companies for oil and gas are mostly undeveloped, so Romney is not only rhetorical but a liar.  He seeks not the facts, but, only the political uptick.  If he was ever to be voted into the Executive Branch and was unable to deliver on the leases already sold by the USA, next stop to support an economic uptick would be war.  

Romney cannot deliver on increased employment in the USA from private conglomerates, because, they aren't interested in USA labor.  The last time that occurred was under Clinton when he made global friends with invitations for tourism.  It increased the employment in the country, increased the tax base, but, deprived Americans of fair wages.  That lag in return to a sustainable economy where Americans are paid good wages with benefits ended a long time ago.  It is that economy President Obama has been seeking with new venues of energy and an economy of Small Family Businesses that increase local economies.

Santorum had his uptick.  The only real challenge to Romney is Gingrick, unless, Huntsman can actually score in New Hampshire.  He might.

Michele never stopped smiling, her message never changed and she was loyal to her supporters and her values.  She'll be missed.