Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I heard a mention of a 'magnet bomb' on the radio and didn't catch all the details at first. I thought it was a rebirth of Herman Cain.

Pokemon Magnet Bomb (click here)

The bomb could have been planted by anyone.  Al Qaeda usually are the ones on motorcycles.

It could have been anyone.  Was his wife happy? 

Maybe Iran hasn't scanned the horizon lately but they are in the Middle East where turbulence has become a daily diet.

There are many, many countries that do not approve of the Iranian nuclear ambitions.  There is no way of knowing.  The neighbors to Iran in the entire region are not happy and feel it is a threat to any peace and stability.  Those neighbors have friends that stretch around the globe. 

Iran needs to get over it and change its ways.
Iran is always trying to focus its anger and inappropriate nuclear status on The West.  I don't know of any nation in the region that believes Iran should have nuclear weapons or wants a nuclear Iran.  To be honest, for the expediency it took place after Iran made their announcement about enrichment, it was probably implemented within the region if not the country itself.

The other bizarre possibilty is that this is to bolster the 'idea' that an American visiting family in Iran is actually CIA.  Would that be quite a show, for Iran to execute an American after the professor was killed as if this was a CIA plot the Iranian government was trying to stop the entire time.  Such a 'story' would give greater justification to confronting The West, especially in Homuz.  It sort of sounds more like a Bush/Cheney stunt to justify escalation to the Iranian people.  Is there a Radio Free Iran?  There should be.

The West didn't do this.  Nope.

January 11, 2012
...Iranian media (click title to entry - thank you) said Wednesday two unidentified people on a motorcycle attached a magnetic bomb to Roshan's car, killing him and his driver and wounding a passer-by....