Friday, September 16, 2011

The USA House is in its own orbit and Speaker Boner is captain of the ship.

The Commission (click here) concluded that this crisis was avoidable—the result of human actions, inactions, and misjudgments. Warnings were ignored. “The greatest tragedy would be to accept the refrain that no one could have seen this coming and thus nothing could have been done. If we accept this notion, it will happen again.”

There is a study about "The Financial Crisis" by according to the USA media no one would know it.

The business sector is NOT suffering from overtaxation.  As a matter of fact, and I would think the GOP would have learned same from Bush's Tax Cuts, taxes are not the driving force to creating jobs.  Jobs are created becuase a product in the market place sells and hopefully sells to its market share and makes a profit.  Taxes has nothing to do with creating jobs.  As a matter of fact, taxes are at an all time low since the 1930s. 

I am not going to discuss Speaker Boner's 'talk' yesterday at The Economic Club because it was completely rhetorical while stating there are places that we can agree. 

Regulations is not the problem either.  It is better to apply regulations now while businesses are re-establishing their production plans and seeking markets.  It will streamline their process in decision making to have regulations in place rather than postponing regulations to a later date.  The regualtions the USA applies is based in protecting the consumer and the air they breath and the water they drink.  Why would any company want to be in violation of those provisions?  Harm to human health, citizen property and lifestyle only leads to lawsuits.  It's completely silly to believe any regulation should be shelved. 
...Boehner (click title to entry - thank you) urged the new bipartisan committee to focus on cuts in federal spending and entitlement programs as a way of slowing the growth of government. He said tax increases should be "off the table" as the committee works toward a late-November deadline....

Overhauling the tax code is a great idea.  It is actually raising taxes although the tax rates would be lower.  It raises taxes because loopholes would be eliminated.  None of these changes are going to go over well, however, there is a concern.  The concern is how long with the Republicans leave the NEW tax code alone?  A month, two maybe?  Then what will have occurred is an increase in taxes certainly to be removed by Republicans panicking over crony preferences.  The USA will then be left if a tax code that will most certainly bankrupt the county with lower rates and returned loopholes.  It will be a peril the USA does not want to seek as an alternative to underhanded backing of a GOP "lower tax rates."  The GOP has to know revising the tax code will raise tax rates and not lower them, hence a violation of their PLEDGE.  So what then is to follow?  A return of the loophole, that is what will follow.

The changes to the tax code which eliminates loopholes and lower rates to increase revenues has to be guaranteed for at least twenty years and the national debt has been reduced or there is no sense to taking the chance.