Like many "millennials," Brittney, a 20-year-old student from Northridge, CA, dreams of a financially-stable future, "a house with a kitchen and lots of books," but she doesn't see a clear path toward achieving it. After having already moved 10 times during her life, Brittney is determined to "do it better than her parents." She skateboards between two jobs while juggling full time college classes and is forced to deal with short-term economic realities instead of focusing on her dream of becoming a book editor. Brittney wonders: will she be able to pay back debts and student loans? And should she stay in college as her debt rises?
The "Allstate / National Journal Heartland Monitor finds a decrease of 10% for the President since 2008. There is a great deal of dispair in this age group and he sincerely needs to reach out to them and CONNECT to bring reason, direction and hope to their lives. At the title to this entry worth watching and to click here is a graph of the President's Approval Rating its change from 2008 to 2010 to present. It is an interesting poll that includes more depth than found in most polls where only numbers matter.
It is sad to realize our young people see themselves as floudering and without a clear path to a promising future.
And, to start with, do you feel that THE COUNTRY, in general, is headed in the right direction, or do you think things are seriously off on the wrong track? (click here)
A full 31% of the people polled didn't know how to answer that question or refused to answer it.
The President needs to connect with the nation without the interference of the Right Wing Media that never tells the truth. If their propaganda lies aren't obvious in their 'star performer' in Palin, than I don't know what is.
The country is confused more than it is not and that is due to confused signals and understandings of the return of the American Dream.
Like many "millennials," Brittney, a 20-year-old student from Northridge, CA, dreams of a financially-stable future, "a house with a kitchen and lots of books," but she doesn't see a clear path toward achieving it. After having already moved 10 times during her life, Brittney is determined to "do it better than her parents." She skateboards between two jobs while juggling full time college classes and is forced to deal with short-term economic realities instead of focusing on her dream of becoming a book editor. Brittney wonders: will she be able to pay back debts and student loans? And should she stay in college as her debt rises?
The "Allstate / National Journal Heartland Monitor finds a decrease of 10% for the President since 2008. There is a great deal of dispair in this age group and he sincerely needs to reach out to them and CONNECT to bring reason, direction and hope to their lives. At the title to this entry worth watching and to click here is a graph of the President's Approval Rating its change from 2008 to 2010 to present. It is an interesting poll that includes more depth than found in most polls where only numbers matter.
It is sad to realize our young people see themselves as floudering and without a clear path to a promising future.
And, to start with, do you feel that THE COUNTRY, in general, is headed in the right direction, or do you think things are seriously off on the wrong track? (click here)
A full 31% of the people polled didn't know how to answer that question or refused to answer it.
The President needs to connect with the nation without the interference of the Right Wing Media that never tells the truth. If their propaganda lies aren't obvious in their 'star performer' in Palin, than I don't know what is.
The country is confused more than it is not and that is due to confused signals and understandings of the return of the American Dream.