The 'thing' with Spitzer and I believe with Edwards is that the Bush Kingdom views these men as more than capable to be and of becoming President of the USA, they don't like their priorities and they certainly want to eliminate their ability to compete against them in any venue.
The adultery topic really is not a public debate as it is a private one. In the case of US Representative Anthony Weiner, a lot of this mess are reminants from his single life. So, it is more or less an adjustment. I believe his spouse realizes that as well. He was NOT committing adultery and I could get into reasons why I view it that way and if his spouse sought a divorce the courts would honor it at some level, but, in all honesty this was not a man 'on the hunt' for flesh.' The contacts were opportunistic and ego driven by both participants and in the case of a new marriage, perhaps there was a longing for a 'mistress' relationship though unspoken.
The contact with the seventeen year old is not illegal unless it was solicitis and if there was sexual intent. If she is a constituent, as other interns have been to other Congressmen then the motivation by her might be questionable. In some states, seventeen year olds are viewed as adults. I am not sure how New York views it. It all hinges on the tone of the contact and the intent. From what I can discern, which is all in the media, the contact between the Congressman and the women involved was more or less 'ego driven play' and was never meant to go any further. It was seductive and long lived. So there are a lot of dynamics and quite frankly his spouse can safely believe she was sincerely the only love in his life. Her safety and her pregnancy hinges here as well and the media doesn't seem to have any respect for that either in their 'dogged' pursuit of ruining the Congressman's reputation as if the women are completely innocent and without responsibility. It takes TWO to TANGO.
But, if one pays attention to the 'empty viciousness' of all the antics that go along with the Former Governor, the Former Senator and the current Congressman, it all carries a rather 'hideous' tone. One of invasion of privacy, malicious intent without sincere and credible facts and without blame in 'equality' of the genders, the hopes for 'star quality' by the women seeking fortune and possibly fame and of course without a basis for legal action. It is OBVIOUS this is political driven by greed. Hardly moral in itself, now, is it? It is like the "Pot Calling the Kettle Black" for lack of a better expression.
Have the women lost their jobs or been prosecuted? What are their 'preferences' and were they pursuing many men? It just seems that Congressmen have to be accommodating to some degree and it opens them up to 'opportunistic' relationships. Evidently, relationships that were enjoyed by both.
In the case of all these men there is the question as to why the women have 'escaped' legal scrutiny that resulted in legal problems for the men. Odd. Isn't it? Even a prostitute profits after the fact. And on the loose besides. Hm.
I applaud the Congressman's decision to take a leave of absence while rehabing from a very interesting life of 'single bliss.' Hard to give up, so say the least.