She puts a celebrity on the stand to testify that the child's death was caused by homicide. Homicide is a adjective, it has no definition in what caused the death. Death occurs by blunt instrument, suffocation, strangulation, gun shot, stabbing, etc., but, saying a death is a homicide only states it is a crime and does NOT state how the child died. Now, if the State wants the jury to be lead down the garden path to BELIEVE the child died by suffocation due to chloroform and duct tape, my question is how does a child breath in large amounts of cholorform with duct tape over her mouth and nose? And if the prosecution is saying the child was killed by inhalation of chloroform and when the mouth was taped to contain stomach contents so they would not leak all over the trunk of the car, then WHERE DID THE CHLOROFORM come from? Where is the purchase, where is the receipt, where is the criminal that sold her that lousy stuff?
And if the State is saying the duct tape is actually staying in place after the death of the child to contain the stomach contents, then HOW do stomach contents with a pH of 1-2 actually allow duct tape to stay intact on the skin of a child afterwards and what makes the State believe the duct tape would not leak out into the trunk of the car and where is the proof it may have? Where is the proof the duct tape IN ANY CASE, not just the Anthony Case, holds up to emesis or otherwise for as long as this was suppose to have stayed in place which I believe is 31 days? If the tape was wrapped around the head that would be believeable, but three pieces of loose duct tape?
I just don't see it. I have a difficult time believing the jury will unless they were brainwashed by the celebrity on the stand and the media hype before the trial. If nothing else this case screams of appeal in a very big way.
...Third, apply a small amount of cooking oil, such as canola or olive oils to the adhesive with a paper towel. Allow the oil to sit on the adhesive for site 2-5 minutes. The adhesive should now easily scrape off with your finger or a soft plastic tool. Using window cleaner, such as Windex, and a clean paper towel clean the remaining oil and adhesive off.
Fourth, if all previous attempts fail, use chemicals. A popular and extremely useful method is to use a citric-acid based cleaner such as "Goo-Gone". These types of cleaners will not harm metal or harder plastics, but may dry the surface of softer plastics, leaving a white, frosted appearance. Test this on a small, hidden area first. Another liquid to try is alcohol (try spraying a small amount of your deodrant or perfume, if that is handy). Aerosol furniture polish, like Old English, can be very effective. Another is WD-40 which won't hurt the surface and can be cleaned off the computer's surface with a dish rag and a little soap.
There are a lot of questions about the State's case seeking justice for Caylee.