Sunday, March 13, 2011

This is NOT a political wedge issue. At all. The RNC is trying to 'play it' that way, but, this is serious.

IN THE ZONE: Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant in California sits within the most active earthquake zone in the United States. (Photo: emdot/Flickr)

Nuclear power and earthquake zones overlap in the U.S.  (click title to entry - thank you)

Earthquake in Japan raises concerns about what could happen in the U.S.

Fri, Mar 11 2011 at 2:43 PM EST
Let’s take a look at which nuclear power plants sit in the seismically active areas of the United States.
Generally, this concern is focused on the West Coast of the United States, because that's where most of our large earthquakes have occurred. There are no nuclear power plants in Hawaii or Alaska, but there are four nuclear reactor sites along the West Coast — one nuclear reactor site in Washington, two in California and one in Arizona....
As if the USA is IMMUNE from the tragedy that struck Japan, the Right Wing Media has been stating, "All the Left Wing Nut Cases will be screaming about nuclear power now."
They say that deliberately REGARDLESS of the brevity of the issue.
Just like their 'ECONOMY OF WORDS' when they state, "Tax and Spend Democrats."  What got us in the mess we are in today?  How about NO TAX and PLENTY OF SPENDING REPUBLICANS, including Wall Street Bailouts that NEVER PRODUCED ONE JOB !!!!!!!!!!!
The entire global community is going to have a conversation about these dangers and the USA will particpate!