...the local entrepreneur will benefit from a 'wholesome' relationship with China. I want to recommend that Community Colleges conduct seminars with their local business leaders on how to build an economic attraction from foreign markets. This opportunity should not be viewed as simply a Wall Street opportunity. The quality of products and the wholesomeness of relationships with Americans to increase wages within China while mutually purchasing products to support both economies is a real solution to joblessness and poverty.
Small business entrepreneurs need to be cautious about over extending their potential to establish 'market share.' In markets such as China, the 'market share' has to be developed with the help of the USA State Department to open those markets and insure the Chinese government finds them 'in compliance' with their laws and opportunities. There is a lot to this, but, globally there are other foreign markets already developed and open to opportunity from the USA.
Remember how the Wall Street banks DID NOT loan to small businesses in the USA? Yes? Now you know why. Small business entrepreneurs are 'real' competition to Wall Street. Go get 'em.
SBA offers a variety of loan programs for very specific purposes. Take some time to study the programs described in this section, to see if you qualify to participate....
On this blog there is an entry about where to find Former Secretary of Commerce Don Evans. After he left the Bush Administration, which was one term, he went to China. He wasn't there for the small entrepreneurs, he was there for 'cheap labor' and Wall Street.
Why do you think Paulson was in China more than he was at home? To benefit Small Business Owners and to establish cultural exchanges to promote sales of Art and Entertainment?
Come on people, put on your thinking caps. Give China some credit for protecting the potential of the 'market share' for their people on a global stage.
29 October 2003
Evans' October 29 press conference in Beijing
Secretary of Commerce Donald L. Evans says he is "encouraged" by talks he had with top economic and trade officials during his just-completed trip to China.
During an October 29 press conference in Beijing, Evans reported that he and his Chinese counterparts focused on several issues, including:
-- The protection of intellectual property rights. According to Evans, more than 90 percent of DVDs, CVDs and software sold in China is counterfeit. Some of it is being exported outside the country.
-- The elimination of trade barriers and opening of markets. "Competition is good for the economy of the world but it has to be on a level playing field," Evans said. "We all have to be playing by the same rules."...
Without the nuturing of Small Business in China; they are doomed by Wall Street to live in poverty and squaller forever. If Americans and other First World peoples want Third World countries to move out of poverty they have to develop their Small Business Markets. That is where human rights issues will be solved, through cultural exchanges, new understandings and opportunity. Don't expect the leaders of more than a billion people to simply throw caution to the wind and provide changes 'with abandon.' The leaders of countries that are benevolent in their intent have to 'transition' their governments. I don't blame theses leaders for being cautious.