Jennifer was achieving the impossible on the dance floor. I didn't watch every competition, but, I was lucky enough to watch the evening where she balanced on one foot on tip toes while balancing on her partner's shoulder.
Wow. That was balance beyond any imagination and her techniques were flawless. It would have been extremely tragic had she not been able to compete and win that final evening.
Jennifer Gray is a true professional and with that in mind she put her reputation 'out there' not just 'her political capital.' To that end she damaged herself on two occasions. "Dancing with the Stars" needs to reflect on the pressure brought to bear on someone as exquisite as she when they ask professionals, like her and Brandy to become a part of their SHOW.
Political Capital. I would like to speak to that and to Bristol's competition.
Every young woman should take advantage of their beauty and youth to enjoy their lives everyday they live. To that end Bristol was able to carry out a dream and see it through and I congratulate her. If the trappings of her Mother came along for the ride that was to her benefit.
Her 'persona' during the SHOW was one of embattled self-esteem and hard working woman. Never did I hear anyone refer to her baby and the care and logistics of that child during the competition so I have to believe when she got in her truck (One similar to the one Massachusetts Senator Brown drives, I am sure.) she left the child to the care of others. Yes? I don't care to know in retrospect, as it will only be viewed as manipulated anyway.
I have never watched "Dancing with the Stars" before. Not even when Tom DeLay was trying to win over America's heart and mind. I am not interested in the 'theme' of these programs. Just not. I have been at friends' homes when they would watch the competition in disbelief in the corrupt nature of the outcomes. So, I patiently watched while they complained.
The show from what I understand and I truly do not like commentating on things I don't come to research and understand 'first hand.' But, the show has never featured a liberal political figure. Yes, Bristol Palin is a Right Wing Political figure.
These 'theme' shows, in my opinion, serve one purpose. They serve to enforce the political 'mind set' of the Right Wing Electorate. I haven't heard of a gay couple in competition either.
While, no doubt, Bristol would love to have her own identity away from that of her mother's political agenda, that is her plight. She might try looking up an aspiring Mayor of Wasilla and find out exactly how committed he can actually be to, not only Fatherhood, but being a worthy and wonderful spouse.
Is the show a political show? You, betcha. Is it manipulated through its' design? Absolutely. Is there some 'real talent' involved that find rewards in participation? Sure. Does it hold my attention through its corrupt nature? Only long enough to know if it is corruption 'by design' or 'by purpose.' Will I watch any of it again? No. Only if others are participating in that event, but, I doubt I'll want to know much more about it than I do now. I certainly won't 'take an interest' in any of the 'audience participation' ever.
Jennifer's choreographer in "Dirty Dancing" made sure she was never injured. Interesting.
Oh, one other thing. The reason the link to the title of the entry goes to 'Jezebel' is because it was there that the 'votes' for Bristol were found to be redundant 'by design.' I understand Bristol made the statement she believes those that were complaining 'hate her mother.' That isn't it, that wasn't it and no one 'hates' Sarah Palin.
At this point, I believe the Right Wing Political pundits view criticism as 'hate.' That is a juvenile concept, but, who ever said they were mature. I mean "Birthers?' Give me a break.
Jennifer Gray is a true professional and with that in mind she put her reputation 'out there' not just 'her political capital.' To that end she damaged herself on two occasions. "Dancing with the Stars" needs to reflect on the pressure brought to bear on someone as exquisite as she when they ask professionals, like her and Brandy to become a part of their SHOW.
Political Capital. I would like to speak to that and to Bristol's competition.
Every young woman should take advantage of their beauty and youth to enjoy their lives everyday they live. To that end Bristol was able to carry out a dream and see it through and I congratulate her. If the trappings of her Mother came along for the ride that was to her benefit.
Her 'persona' during the SHOW was one of embattled self-esteem and hard working woman. Never did I hear anyone refer to her baby and the care and logistics of that child during the competition so I have to believe when she got in her truck (One similar to the one Massachusetts Senator Brown drives, I am sure.) she left the child to the care of others. Yes? I don't care to know in retrospect, as it will only be viewed as manipulated anyway.
I have never watched "Dancing with the Stars" before. Not even when Tom DeLay was trying to win over America's heart and mind. I am not interested in the 'theme' of these programs. Just not. I have been at friends' homes when they would watch the competition in disbelief in the corrupt nature of the outcomes. So, I patiently watched while they complained.
The show from what I understand and I truly do not like commentating on things I don't come to research and understand 'first hand.' But, the show has never featured a liberal political figure. Yes, Bristol Palin is a Right Wing Political figure.
These 'theme' shows, in my opinion, serve one purpose. They serve to enforce the political 'mind set' of the Right Wing Electorate. I haven't heard of a gay couple in competition either.
While, no doubt, Bristol would love to have her own identity away from that of her mother's political agenda, that is her plight. She might try looking up an aspiring Mayor of Wasilla and find out exactly how committed he can actually be to, not only Fatherhood, but being a worthy and wonderful spouse.
Is the show a political show? You, betcha. Is it manipulated through its' design? Absolutely. Is there some 'real talent' involved that find rewards in participation? Sure. Does it hold my attention through its corrupt nature? Only long enough to know if it is corruption 'by design' or 'by purpose.' Will I watch any of it again? No. Only if others are participating in that event, but, I doubt I'll want to know much more about it than I do now. I certainly won't 'take an interest' in any of the 'audience participation' ever.
Jennifer's choreographer in "Dirty Dancing" made sure she was never injured. Interesting.
Oh, one other thing. The reason the link to the title of the entry goes to 'Jezebel' is because it was there that the 'votes' for Bristol were found to be redundant 'by design.' I understand Bristol made the statement she believes those that were complaining 'hate her mother.' That isn't it, that wasn't it and no one 'hates' Sarah Palin.
At this point, I believe the Right Wing Political pundits view criticism as 'hate.' That is a juvenile concept, but, who ever said they were mature. I mean "Birthers?' Give me a break.