It doesn't take long, does it? Cronies start getting thei PAY OFF as soon as the elections are over. The RANT among the Right Wing Extremist Network at Murdoch is CRYING they are being SHUT UP. They are so worried about being SILENCED.
This is really interesting considering the evidence.
...House GOP Whip Eric Cantor (Va.) and Rep. Doug Lamborn (Colo.) said that cutting funds to the publicly subsidized news organization was the winner of the conference’s weekly "You Cut Contest," in which the public votes online on spending items they want eliminated.
“When NPR executives made the decision to unfairly terminate Juan Williams and to then disparage him afterwards, the bias of their organization was exposed,” the two Republicans said in a statement. “Make no mistake, it is not the role of government to tell news organizations how to operate. What is avoidable, however, is providing taxpayer funds to news organizations that promote a partisan point of view. Eliminating taxpayer funding for NPR is precisely the kind of commonsense cut that we have to begin making if we want to fundamentally alter the way business is conducted in Washington.”
Republicans had indicated that they sought to take action against NPR after it dismissed Williams for making controversial remarks about Muslims....
This is such a joke. In order to receive FEDERAL FUNDING the public stations, which relies on these funds, have to uphold the values of NON-DISCRIMINATION. Juan Willians is completely guilty of religious-bigotry. So, the CHOICE by the GOP regarding the WEEKLY WINNER isn't even possible to enforce or defund without breaking the laws of the USA requirements for the funding.
I believe the "Frum Forum" is David Frum the former Presidential Speech Writer that was attacked by the 'Old Men' of the GOP.