It is difficult to call a woman a lady when she practices emasculinating language for the purpose of political intimidation. Angle has no real answers for the country's concerns, so she covers her lack of ability by using emasculinating language. "Tough Girl."
Look, the Republicans want to get their hands on the funds that are in Social Security. She used the word 'personal' to attempt to aim differently at 'soft targets.'
The Social Security Trust Fund is no different to Republicans than the privatizing of Medicare. Every month huge amounts of money is transfered from the USA Treasury to private entities that sell a bill of goods to the retired / handicapped / aged of this country in the form of Medicare Advantage.
For a long time now, Medicare Advantage has been coveted by Wall Street as a 'cash cow' when payment for insurance comes directly from the USA Treasury. The problem that when a government function/TRUST FUND is privatized there is a lot of risk assigned to those monies that doesn't exist when it remains in the hands of the government.
Wall Street is not trustworthy. We know tht for a fact. It is about risk and that is not what the aged of our society needs to deal with in the sunset years of their lives. CURRENTLY, if a company managing Medicare benefits privately goes bankrupt due to poor management, corruption such as fraud or embezzelment or any other White Collar Crime the people that are insured LOSE their benefits and are libable for their medical costs as if they were not insured at all.
Just because an insurance program is called Medicare Advantage it doesn't mean it is as secure as the MEdicare administered by the sovereign treasury of the USA. Private companies go bankrupt. They practice corruption and often and I do mean often they have some of the poorest management that exists. I point ot the 2008 global financial collapse and the BP Oil Disaster. In both instances the problem was exploitive management with poor practices seeking only high bonuses.
The 'idea' of privatizing Social Security is no mystery. It is the same exact dynamic as the privatizing of Medicare. The privatizing takes a 'solid asset' for the aged and places it in the hands of 'risky business.' If Social Security is privatized the same risk, if not higher, takes 'rock solid' monthly payments to the aged in our country and places them in a category that should be completely unacceptable to all our people.
Wall Street wants it. Of course they do. They wanted Medicare as well. They still want Medicare back because Republican running for office is promising to recall the new Health Care Law. That shoudl be no surprise to anyone. The private insurance companies are cronies to Republicans seeking reversal of Medicare to the administration of the government. A half a billion per year a lot of money to put back n the USA Treasury rather than in the hands of wealth merchants.
Every candidate that states they are going to attempt to repeal the Health Care Reform laws has to be held in ridicule for backing cronies over citizens. It is the same for the 'idea' of privatizing Social Security. Every candidate stating they will be attempting to privatize Social Security should be ridiculed for backing cronies rather than the well being of Americans.
There is no need to privatize Social Secutity. The law allows all kinds of personal investment in 401K or Roth IRAs and that is plenty an opportunity to save for retirement. But, those investment funds have to be viewed realistically. Their dividends are based on risk. There is always a chance the investors (Because that is what a citizen is when subscribing to these programs.) can loss every dime they invested. 401Ks are nice due to the fact they are matching funds, but, that isn't money that should be considered as 'free' money to be played on the open market. Those are monies given to employees as part of their benefit package and are earned for the work they do.
Candidates like Sharon Angle are speaking through desperation to attempt to reach a segment of the populous that admire 'abusive' verbal attacks. I would hope Americans take their vote seriously and do not vote for verbally abusive candidates. That is not a reason for admiring a candidate. I won't want my daughters speaking in such a manner. I would expect any daughter of mine to conduct herself with dignity and able to speak intelligently about what is best for the people of the country and have plans to provide a clear path to solving problems rather than creating them,