Friday, October 08, 2010

Let's put the blame where it truly belongs in the Sherrod incident. THE BECK EFFECT.

When liars such as the commentators of the Murdoch network are as successful as these are, the entire structure surrounding a heroic President is in reaction to that reality.  Make no doubt about it, the lies of Murdoch that EFFECTIVELY manipulates the electorate are very real.  While the issue surrounding Sherrod were sad, it did not lack immediate resolve to stand with JUSTICE.  There is nothing that happened here that cannot be blamed on Murdoch.  NOTHING.  It is why media research is needed to identify the adverse effects of such dynamics on a democracy that is suppose to protect citizens from it.

USDA emails show rush to judgment in firing Sherrod  (click title to entry - thank you)

October 08, 2010 9:30 AM

The Los Angeles Times and Associated Press both have stories today providing a detailed anatomy of the firing of Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod, based on hundreds of pages of emails they obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

The emails prove both a rush to judgment on the part of the department and an earnest attempt of the part of Sherrod herself to warn her bosses that a speech she gave at an NAACP event had been misconstrued and taken out of context by conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart....