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The Rev. Franklin Graham ( click titel to entry if you want to - it isn't a very enlightened view. Words of a bigot if you ask me, but, no one is asking me.) waded into the discussion with his own controversial explanation of why people wrongly believe the president is a Muslim. Graham, who prayed with Obama in a session with his father, Billy Graham, earlier this year, was asked whether he has any doubts about Obama's self-avowed Christian faith.
"I think the president's problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim....
Unfortunately, the President's father was mostly obscure to him. His mother was a 'woman of her time.' She believed in 'knowing and understanding' multiple faiths. She felt a knowledge of religion was important to a well rounded view of the world. I am sure that dedication to DIVERSITY has served the President well.
There are many marriages where each member of the couple has their own affiliation within their marriage. It is not uncommon for a Christian to marry a Hebrew. It is also not uncommon for the children of those marriages to be exposed to both religions as they grow up.
Recently, we witnessed a bi-religious marriage where Chelsea Clinton married a man that actively practices the Hebrew faith.
It is also not unusual for the children of such marriages to become adults and decide which religion is the center of their life.
That is what occurred for Barak Obama when he became an adult. He knew many religions and decided to be baptized in the Trinity United Church of Christ.
The issue here is not about the Muslim faith and whether or not the President rejected it to practice Christianity, it is the bigotry of the Southern Baptist convention and its willingness to advocate hate of other faiths, including other practices of Protestant religions. They reject every other form of religion and 'in that' reject any civilized approach to diversity.
The problem here as I see it, is about the demands of Evangelical Christians to dominate government policy over and above any other faith including Catholicism or the absence of faith. Franklin Graham needs to apologize to a nation insulted by his limited view of the world. He is allowed to practice that limited view, however, he is not allowed to espouse hate as a result of it. In other words, we all outside his view of the world HAVE TO tolerate him, but, he does not have to tolerate us. That is a definition of a bigot.