Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The criticism of the Blue Ribbon Panel examing the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is unfounded.

Former Governor and Senator Graham is eminently qualified to sit the panel.

...Co-chairman of the seven-member panel charged with recommending ways to prevent future oil spills from offshore drilling. Graham recently finished a stint as chairman of the government's Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism. He's also a member of the federal Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission studying the global financial meltdown....

Mr. Graham has served the State of Florida for decades.  He knows the economic stability of Florida, has experience examining the dynamics of the recent Financial Crisis, knows the Gulf of Mexico and knew it when it was healthy and a strategic part of the Florida economy.

He has had a long history of relationships with the Gulf States leadership.  He knows the history of tragedies, natural and otherwise, including hurricanes.  I do believe he left the Senate during the year of Katrina, 2005.  I am quite confident he understands any and all of the dynamics regarding the issue of the current disaster.

If the Blue Ribbon Commission needs information about 'engineering' all they have to do is subpoena the records and/or witnesses of any and all the engineers involved in this crisis and the petroleum industry.  Someone like Mr. Graham is able to discern the facts and ask for insight as it is required. 

The criticism is completely unfounded.  The people of the Gulf States and the nation have to begin to trust the people brought to help to protect the USA, its fisheries and its citizens. 

I can't think of anyone whom can be trusted more than Mr. Graham.

The Commission is expected to render finding by January 2011.  I would not expect any changes until after they have concluded their work.