Yet with increased revenues facilitated by the USA Treasury, Goldman Sachs can't simply own up to the crimes against the people of this country?
I realize the legislation that bailed out the financial giants within the boundaries of the USA stated there would be no criminal prosecution of anyone involved, however, with a civil suit filed to recognize the tyrannical nature of these investment banks, they have absolutely no humility in their wrong doing.
How can any political party justify deregulating a financial market place as immoral and corrupt as this one? Kindly explain how any elected official at any level of government actually finds enough virtue in this commodity within the USA Economy to actually believe there could never be a government infrastructure sufficiently engaged to stop the level of risk to every citizen when everyone knows they 'play to the risk' while keeping in mind they have safeguards to fall back on? Where does that justification come from?
Imagine a plutocracy made of nothing but these bozos. Now, tell me that citizens of countries would be safe in their day to day lives with men such as this in control of market outcomes. I want someone, maybe Chief Justice Roberts. I want someone to completely justify a society dominated by this level of immorality.