I have never meant anything more in my life. The Docments of our Government should not be allowed to be used for commercial purposes. That's to begin with. There is no reverence for our country or its documents. It is used for more than legal purposes, the government garners no income from the use of these documents and they are used against the People of the USA.
That is just a side note to the maligning and destructive character of the religious right. I am only warming up.
I am going to get a little bit of sleep and run a couple of errands then spend the better part of the early afternoon writing here. This isn't political. It is about power and money and the abuse of our laws and how 'the fashion' of that abuse of the years 2000 - 2008 has placed our rights and Constitution at a lot of risk.
Glenn Beck needs to apologize. Yesterday he pulled a lot of stuff to try to 'disarm' his image, but, he justs needs to apologize. I am dead serious. To the Progressive Democrats, Megan McCain and the Woman Candidate from Texas. He has maligned all of them and the candidate Debra Medina has every right to sue him for character assassination. She was misrepresented by Beck and his co-henchman after her interview on his program.
He asks the he most ridiculous questions. He did NOT ask her about what she plans as Governor of Texas or what the issues are of Texas. He asked her if she was a 911 Truther. He even had to clarify the question because she didn't know what he was talking about at first. That's alright because before I listened to him I never knew what a 911 truther was either. Nowhere on this blog will anyone find a reference to such nonsense until they get to the entries about Beck.
Ms. Medina answered the question with a reasonable amount of dignity and in the only way she could without telling Beck he was completely absurd. Then for his own amusement and that of his audience he calls her a liar. She wasn't. She didn't know what she was dealing with and gave a good answer.
Today, Dick Cheney hid behind the skirts of his daughter Elizabeth to malign the President of the USA. I'll have to find the tape somewhere to post it here. Basically he gave credit to his Republican PAC for the Tea Baggers. He stated it was, "...well done."
You know he and John McCain should be at the same podium with Cindy and Megan and President Obama to begin to rollback 'hate provisions' against gays.
But, not Dick Cheney. Oh, no. His politics are more important. No different than McCain. Why should they stand up for their daughters, after all the 'girls' will understand that money and power is thicker than blood.
Cheney is a coward. He should be congratulating President Obama for his "Don't Answer, Don't Tell" initiative with the military. What a lousy bastard Cheney is. McCain as well, too. They rather play politics with people's rights and lives than actually be the men they need to be. If they'll kick dirt in their daughter's faces what does anyone expect from them.
The real issue is the Religious Right and the money Dobson and his Focus on the Family has thrown to treat minority citizens in this country as if they were grossly insignificant. I'll get into it."We the People" doesn't discriminate. It is a very simple phrase that is inclusive NOT exclusive.