It is about value judgements and whom the USA actually trusts, including, banks that cannot discern good judgement from bad. There is nothing "W"rong with government recording of poor performance on past government contractors. They are primarily Republican cronies that take plenty of money to build practically nothing for it. Once the monies are paid out, it is difficult to get it back and then the people of the USA are stuck with doing it all over again.
I don't see that type of practice continuing. The people of Haiti, no different than the people of Afghanistan, need training FIRST to rebuild their country and they need to have 'honest' contractors to work with honest USA companies to get the job done and spawn some economic growth out of this tragedy.
It has to be a new 'era' for Haiti as well as the USA.
I think this article in the L. A. Times is a good place to focus for reconstruction. Years go by quickly and this could happen again.
I think Haiti needs to entertain the thought of moving its capital city and building with quake proof construction. The global economy will have to donate over a period of time, but, this nation will never pull itself out of this 'genocidal' tendency if there aren't commitments made to it. It is the worst time for more strain on donating nations, but, if life is to improve in Haiti and lives saved it is the time to begin.
The media services have been doing a wonderful job. The majors are covering it within its programming, but, the cable services are digging in.
MSNBC has an expository approach.
CNN is 'on the ground' and probably the most revealing coverage of the sincere tragedy of Haitian people at this time. It is dedicated to making a difference with these folks and it carries some of the same tone we saw with Anderson Cooper during Katrina. It is an experienced news team that hopefully has some sense of self-preservation. The sad reality of the corpses lying in the street will soon turn to issues of disease and the insenstive reality that brings.
FOX is absent (Missing in Action, so to speak.) because it is attempting to 'hook' all the Palin book buyers to their network for her political aspirations and their ability to spawn viability in candidates through lies, but, more about that later.
Perhaps all the lucrative Investment Banks can do some consideration donation to Haiti, rather than draconian bonuses to their CEOs.