Pass a Reconciliation Bill with 51 votes that either has a Public Option or Single Payor.
Don't worry about paying for it. Implement it immediately.
Ax Medicare Advantage and do the right thing for the country.
Evidently when Democrats attempt to do the right thing for the country, including responsible legislation that doesn't add to the National Debt it isn't appreciated. I would never try to pay for anything else again. Just pass legislation the country needs, in the way it needs it and I wouldn't look back.
Don't be tax and spend Democrats anymore. Simply be spending Democrats no different then Republicans.
Event to spotlight Mass. reform (click title to entry - thank you)
By Jay FitzgeraldMonday, January 18, 2010
t’s going to be an interesting week to hold a major health-care reform conference in Boston.
As the Massachusetts race for U.S. Senate comes down to the wire with health-care reform at center stage, hundreds of health-care experts are expected to converge on Boston later this week for a nationwide meeting on expanding medical-insurance coverage across the nation.
The conference, co-hosted by the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s State Coverage Initiative, is titled “How to Organize Exchanges and Other Lessons Learned” from Massachusetts’ experiment with universal health care....
The new Health Care Reform that this administration puts through will be the new entitlement we have needed for a long time and it will be paid for no different than any other entitlement. Put the Health Care Insurance Reform Bill together the way it will work best while cutting Medicare Advantage, a proven corrupt and expensive plan, and don't bother worrying about paying for it. I don't know any persons more than Barak Obama and Ted Kennedy that has worked harder at helping the Middle Class and evidently it isn't going to be a feather in anyone's cap. People don't appreciate change they only want to vote for it, especially, when it comes in the form of a candidate that hasn't changed anything in his life, including his Republican Voting Record.
Just do it ! We will have five years of sanity and we'll work on it over time.
Republicans never worry about paying for anything and give the public a faux sense of security even if they have to lie to facilitate war. It is time the Democrats realize, the imposition placed on them by political rhetoric is to DEFEAT them and not elect people that are honest and sincerely care.
The Republicans for over 30 years simply took advantage of the American electorate and never cared about them. They exploited them for personal gain and they get away with it because of the propagandists. It just is the way it is. We have an opportunity to sincerely change the face of this country in the next three years, I suggest we make the best of it and saddle the Republicans with the responsibility they love most, electing a candidate that will cut taxes and exploit the American people with lies of the American Dream.
If, through reconciliation we can put through sincere health care reform and environmental stewardship we will have done this country a great service. They'll have plenty of time to realize it, too.