I would have not expected such a point of view from a Senator from Rhode Island, but, when I thought about it, it all made sense that he would have a comprehensive view of the Senate Health Care Reform Bill.
He could not be more correct. The Republicans are seeking to 'cherry pick' issues with the bill and make amendments that will adversely effect Americans. It is time to defeat the many Republican amendments and move the Senate Health Care Reform Bill forward.
I'll explain.
Rhode Island's economy is exceptionally stable. It ranks 64th largest economy in the world. Granted it isn't California which ranks 7th, but, one has to consider the population of Rhode Island and its land mass. Of course Rhode Island is the smallest state in land area, but, it has the 15th largest GDP per capita in the USA. Rhode Island's GDP per capita is $41,008 US as of 2008.
Despite its small size, Rhode Island has comprehensive health insurance for children and a strong social safety net. That is facilitated by a strong and sustained economy. Rhode Island's 'business' density for capita is impressive. The businesses that call Rhode Island home do so for a long time and it gives the state a remarkable footprint when it comes to economic stability. So, it makes sense a Senator from Rhode Island would look at the Senate Health Care Reform Bill as a comprehensive approach rather than 'cherry picking' issues.
Rhode Island has not only done well since the Great Depression, but, it has maintained a strong Democratic Party within the state and still does. It should be no surprise to realize Senator Whitehouse is a Democrat.
In defense of the Minority Leader, Senator McConnell, he made a written motion to move the Crappo Amendment to the floor. Perhaps that will begin soon and the bill will start to move forward. It is time that occurred. There is no need for further delay. The American people need reform and it needs to be done now so it can go to conference and onto the President for signature. It would be nice if the American people had health care reform as a gift from their government for the holidays. So, in the spirit of 'doing what is right' for the country, the Senate Democratic Leadership should see the good intentions of Senator McConnell and move the amendments to the floor for a vote and the bill onto conference and signature.
The Senate Bill is designed to be treated as a comprehensive bill that should not be 'nit-picked' apart. There is no loss in Medicare in the bill. What the bill does is eliminate the Medicare Advantage program and I have discussed the corruption within that private health insurance ad nauseam and I won't repeat it here. Medicare Advantage is a crony of the Republicans and they war having a hissy fit about it. Sorry, but, I don't have access to a private health club through insurance, why is it that is the case with Medicare Advantage? And I don't want to hear how that doesn't cost the recipients anything, because, it does. Somewhere in the cost of Medicare Advantage is the cost of health club membership. So, just knock it off. I mean, for real here. Medicare payments go to private insurance companies to pay for Medicare Advantage and the people that subscribe to it have private health club memberships. Like, what?
And then it was Grassley, I believe, that defended Medicare Advantage as the most helpful to the poorest of the SSI recipients. Really? Well, the cost could come down then by crediting monies to Medicare Advantage customers that don't subscribe to private health club. The program offers this health club benefit free, but, it does nothing in the way of any credit to the people that don't subscribe to the health club benefit. And, if Senator Grassley wants to improve the benefits to the poorest of the SSI recipients, then put an amendment to the Senate Bill that does that, because, Medicare Advantage sure isn't going to do anything like that.
So, the statement the Republicans keep making about how the health care reform in the country will remove nearly $500 billion from Medicare is a lot of nonsense. Those monies are part of a comprehensive funding aspect of the bill, along with new taxes.
Senator Whitehouse did something no one else did and brought in highly regarded economic opinions from published works about the Senate Health Care Reform Bill and it was noted there is expected increases in the economic strength of the USA by economics not connected with budgetary offices within the government. It would seem there are economists that believe comprehenisve health care reform will benefit the economy.
In defense of the 'actuary' report, it was an evaluation of the Medicare aspects of the bill, but, nothing else. It evaluated the changes to Medicare, but, it did not look at the entire bill. That is why these large numbers are tossed around because of the defunding of Medicare Advantage, the most corrupt private insurance that our seniors subscribe to. That cannot be denied. Medicare Advantage has a high corruption rate and that is something the 'actuary' report did not take into consideration.
The actuary report did not take into consideration that private insurance companies can be corrupt and leave their clients with bills to pay. When that occurs then what happens to the poorest Americans on SSI? What happens then?
Americans retired and receiving SSI and Medicare are far safer by NOT subscribing to corruptable private insurance. It will leave them in the breach when they find out the monies that were suppose to be paid to providers end up in a criminal's pocket and they are left to pay those costs themselves. I find it completely offensive that the USA government even has Medicare Advantage and allows this level of danger to 'non-payment' of our senior citizens. I have stated that before, but, I don't think I made it clear enough that I think Medicare Advantage is the worst idea any legislator ever came up with. Older Americans are far better off having the soveriegnty of their government back up their bill payments than any other entity.
I find it outrageous that Medicare Advantage even exists.
Senator Whitehouse's speech about the Senate Health Care Reform Bill is the only one I have sincerely appreciated to date.
And I don't want to hear at this late date how the Republicans have alternative bills. They didn't before. Before President Obama was elected in November of 2008, the Republicans could not care less if Americans had access to health care or the quality of that health care. They simply didn't. They wanted everything privatized and damn those that died because they could not afford health care for them or their families. The Republicans have become an illegitimate authority on this subject and they did it to themselves.
An aspect of Senator Whitehouse's speech I sincerely though insighful was the idea that research would accompany sweeping changes when the bill is passed and signed into law. That is true. I have read in the House Bill the demands for statistical data and quality assurance data. That will spawn more and more research by hospitals, doctors and nurses to the quality of our health care. After a short time, we will know how effective our health care system is and where changes need to take place to stop infections and deterioration of health. There will be incredible upticks in the amount of research done regarding our nation's health and we will be getting our monies worth.
Senator Whitehouse also noted, the revenues generated by the bill will supply health insurance to the uninsured at a per capita cost of $1500.00. That was $1500.00 per person to insure the uninsured. I thought that was impressive as a safety net to the nation.
It is time the Senate Health Care Reform Bill move forward and take its place as a democratic principle in our country.