One has to realize, the Bush/Ashcroft Administration was grossly ineffective. They were great as spending the USA Treasury monies, but, the American people never received a secure homeland in return.
Perhaps one might recall all the detailed questions Americans were asked to answer when applying for a Passport after the attacks of September 11, 2001? Yes? Then to find out through investigation by the FBI it didn't matter. They were able to get USA Passports for nonexistant people and children anyway.
Well, that is how I feel about the TSA Manuel. It probably was never treated with that much security in the first place. They were all over airports and otherwise, having it on the web was simply a way of compromising it in order to demand it be done over.
Quite literally, all the credentials of the government have to be redone. I think that is a good idea. I have no confidence in anything Bush or Ashcroft did, so why trust it at all? At least now we have an excuse to redo the security of the nation and its credentializing. I think we need to get started. I like those fingerprint readers. It provides absolute identification of people. Far better than even Passports.