Friday, December 11, 2009

There are sincere problems with Republican's opposition to the much needed Health Care and their Right Wing Media is showing up big time.

I feel bad for the Republicans and there are five specifically I will address today. I feel bad for them because they have painted themselves into a corner of opposition that is 'assaulting' the President's credibility and that is what is being witnessed in the polls about President Obama.

To note at this point, I am proud of my President. I am more proud of this President than any that come before him. He has entered the country's leadership dedicated to truth and upholding the integrity of the USA Constitution and the Rule of Law. Upholding the Constitution as demonstrated by the Old Republican "Hammer" is proof enough that the document is their enemy.

I was proud of my President and First Lady yesterday in his acceptance and gracious speech at the presentation of his Noble Peace Prize. I disagree with his humility in stating his achievement are slight compared to others. While President Obama has not suffered the pains and oppression of the honorable Nelson Mandella, he has sustained the acceptance of the history of oppression, bigotry and racism in the USA. That is not completely equivalent as the laws of the USA helped him rise above those FACTS that were all active in his growing up years.

Not only that, but, President Obama, unlike his First Lady has suffered significant personal losses in his life all his life to date and to his credit has 'created anew' a family that sustains him. That brings me to the elegance of our First Lady. She was absolutely beautiful when at her husband's side and I thank her for the details she went through to bring glamour and complexity to her fashion for the events she attended. It was completely obvious she went through a great deal of thought to help celebrate the occasion. She is a wonderful wife, made her daughters proud and made a statement of commitment to elegance and intellect that were her choices we can all appreciate.

Her attire was very visually complicated and I'll be happy to address that, but, at another time. The fabrics, the shape of the items she wore and the deportment of her stature was all challenging to the eye and displayed incredible insight to her character, values and priorities. The fashion was not just worn as 'occasion attire' it made statements and was incredible in its presentation along side a fairly boringly dressed spouse.

As to the speech.

One aspect of the reality of this world we all live in is the 'real danger' of enemies and the way they are handled. There is a chronic need for armed vigilance and that is sometimes overlooked by pacifists. However and why the President being presented with the Nobel is so very, very vital at this point in his presidency, the tempering of vigilance while combining it with a goal of peace is long overdue.

It is an important dialogue. A dialogue the global community has longed for and the Nobel Organization as held in high esteem since its inception. It is also a dialogue Nobel has never been able to achieve in a significant way from the United States of America. A country that is one of the five legal nuclear nations, a country with a strategic military and a country with a great deal of wealth. This is happening now, when President Obama has many years left in his term, has a high acceptance globally to all his initatives including other major nations such as Russia and China, so in many ways his acceptance of the Nobel is also the success of these other nations and it is happening when he has a majority of his party in both houses of the USA legislature.

The Nobel committee that chose him did a magnificent job in recognizing a long desired goal, recognizing the need for this 'peace dialogue' both globally and within the borders of the USA and was brave enough in the face of hostile USA media to seize the moment and more their mission forward. They did the right and best thing for their mission for this award. I congratuate them.

I will discuss in detail the speeches today at the USA Senate by Senators Barrasso, who was completely pathetic, McConnell , John Thune who is upset about amendments is just nonsense and ranting about money is an outrageous manipulation with no basis in truth, and Kay Hutchinson who made a statement about small business and the public option which validates why it SHOULD be included in the legislation instead of excluding but framed in a way that is based in lies, yesterday a Republican Senator, and I want to say it was Bennett from Utah, made a speech that wreaked of NOTHING but Republican right wing media nonsense that was full of lies, inuendos and rheotic that did nothing for his position in opposing the legislation before the Senate.

I'll discuss all that in a separate or two entries as I want to speak to the House Ingelligence Meeting this morning with General Stanley McCrystal and his Ambasador. It was impressive and important and there are cracks in the sidewalk that need to be filled in.

But, to speak to Amendments that Republicans are 'pulling obstructionism' over. It is too late. The Republicans AGAIN are assaulting the Consitution and demanding on a return to Committee to AGAIN seek to delay this bill by insisting on Tort Reform. They are not discerning the urgency and brevity of this legislation from other issues. Tort Reform is another issue entirely and I am sure there is bipartisanship they can muster when they put forward any of their committee work for passage into law. The Health Care Reform Bill addresses the country's most pressing needs and the Republicans lost amendments in proper procedure in Committee. Welcome to the real world. Too bad.

At this point I suggest the Democrats seek action through Ethics regarding 'foot stamping' that amounts to serious obstruction of proceedure and even consult with Justice to see if there is something that can be done with this knowing the objections by the Republicans are based in Committee Vote that has already been decided. I do believe Harry Reid needs to research his procedural options and move past the Republicans problems, stop making attempts to mend fences and move past what is being allowed that is more than likely unconstitutional obstructionism.

To conclude this entry, the Republicans are 'Hammering' away with a word that begins with a T. The word is Trillion as if this bill is a multi-Trillion dollar bill. They are using that word to attempt to discredit President Obama and ultimately the Democrats in a manner that is based in 'undiscoverable corruption.' It's nonsense, it is inflammatory and it is based in lies. The Republican discourse is sadly in complete reaction to the Right Wing Media that controls their poltical outcomes and that is unfortunate.

The Senate needs one vote to pass the Senate Bill and they need to obtain that vote and the House Bill that already passed that Speaker Pelosi worked so hard at needs to REMAIN THE SAME. The Public Option is absolutely needed, especially for the Small Businesses of the USA.