About a week, maybe two weeks ago, she called for the defaming of President Obama's Czars on 'talk radio.'
Reporting from Washington (click title to entry - thank you) - Responding to a firestorm that raged on conservative talk shows and websites, the White House on Sunday announced the resignation of a top environmental advisor who had made fiery remarks about Republicans and signed a petition questioning whether the U.S. government had any role in planning the Sept. 11 attacks....
Basically, Coulter didn't see any chance of defaming the Obama Cabinet so the next best attack was on his 'appointed' Czars, of which number about thrity.
The Right Wing is attempting to create the 'image' of a 'corrupt' administration that talks out of both sides of their mouths by continuing the "Palinesque "attacks on then Candidate Obama by 'invoking' the 'idea' he affiliated with people such as Bill Ayers (his days in the Weather Underground) and therefore had a faux agenda that was hidden from public view.
To bring that 'concept' up to current speed: So long as the Right Wing Extremists of the country can continue to banter 'fear mongering' within that same 'fear dynamic' by rooting through all kinds of garbage from past history, they can find SOMETHING, ANYTHING that can be used against each and every Obama Czar. It is no different than the Health Care Insurance Reform Bills and the gross distortions as well at the Veteran's Website and the 'Information booklet regarding end of life decisions.'
This is a strategy that Murdock pledges to in order to maintain his audience and monetary base. You have to remember the 'source' of these attacks, distortions and lies. Without overpaid guests and endorsement of political distortions, there would be no extremist wing to exploit for fiscal gain for Murdock. Murdock's reality in the 'real world' is a political cartoon. Basically.
The Right Wing Extremeists of the USA are the Professional Oppressors of the populous. They bask in their power in 'constant commentary' be it truth or 'DARE.'
The African Americans that have made it through 'the ranks' earning every rung of the ladder as they go, including prominent figures such as Governor Patrick, will be hardest hit by these war/hate mongering idiots.
And yes I stated, idiots.
They wouldn't know what is good for them if it bit them in the arce. All they understand are their bank accounts and the comfort that brings them through whichever means it is obtained, even scouring the American Treasury for billions in bailouts. They are indeed the greatest offenders of 'WEALTH-FARE' in the world.
The Republicans don't care if their economic 'scheme' tanks. Tanking is frequently the desired end product. Do you actually think Paulson knew what he was doing at Goldman Sachs as CEO? Hell, no. He was screwing up left and right and it took him coming into the US Treasury to 'bailout' his screw ups. Now look at where Goldman Sachs is and how much they OWN (Oh, sorry, that was OWE) the USA Treasury. Idiots, I am telling you. Idiots !
The African American political figure has reached their goals frequently by being ACTIVISTS. As Activists there are sometimes compromises to make and affiliations that aren't necessary 'Apple Pie' as the struggle to defeat oppression and strive to gain equality and recognition. Not only that but successful African American political figures are usually 'socially aware' in ways that Capitalists are not. That 'reality' of what oppression and what it takes to move through the ranks of oppression to try to achieve in the USA is one of the most distant concepts in the American Psyche. It is why most Americans believe there is 'ethnic equality' in the face of daughting statistics otherwise. The more African Americans come to the 'center' of the political rhelm and put in place policies that bring equity while removing oppression, the more they will be ridiculed by scum bags like Coulter.
There is an insidious image underlying the American political fabric in that affiliation with the poor or oppressed in every real way is not the image to exhibit. That is for Mother Theresa. The Image any political figure has to emulate is one of wealth and a greater wealth than any corporate 'anybody' to maintain the aloofness of 'above any willingness to corruption' that wins elections. There could never be a 'middle class' President in this country. And even though the Obama's continue to speak to 'the story' of those they choose to be a part of their administration and appointments and nominations there could never be a 'true' Middle Class President elelcted from the ranks of the Democrats. Never.
The Republicans don't have that issue. They have more money than is rightfully theirs.