Those responsible need to restore the forests.
The same principles in Equator that are causing cancer and destroying the land because of irresponsible behaviors by international companies cause these issues.
They take advantage of the unsophisticated nature of the people and their leaders, exploit what they can, take their money and run, leaving behind devastation and huge problems the treasuries of these countries can't solve.
The last thing the Belizean people need is more filthy water and no means to handle it.
A tragedy is unfolding in Belize’s breathtaking Macal River valley, until recently one of the most unspoiled places remaining in this hemisphere. The tragedy that is overtaking this tropical Central American rainforest is utterly needless and, with your help, we can stop further damage.
As you are reading this letter, pollution is spewing down the river from a Canadian-owned Chalillo dam. The owner of the dam, Fortis, a multinational corporation based in Newfoundland and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, refuses to accept responsibility for the massive sediment discharges, blaming the orange-brown contaminants on activities upstream of the dam. This claim is preposterous, as you can see in these photographs from our colleagues at the Belize Institute of Environmental Law and Policy. It shows clear water wending its way down the Macal River to the dam. Immediately downstream of the dam, the water becomes orange and polluted....
They take advantage of the unsophisticated nature of the people and their leaders, exploit what they can, take their money and run, leaving behind devastation and huge problems the treasuries of these countries can't solve.
The last thing the Belizean people need is more filthy water and no means to handle it.
A tragedy is unfolding in Belize’s breathtaking Macal River valley, until recently one of the most unspoiled places remaining in this hemisphere. The tragedy that is overtaking this tropical Central American rainforest is utterly needless and, with your help, we can stop further damage.
As you are reading this letter, pollution is spewing down the river from a Canadian-owned Chalillo dam. The owner of the dam, Fortis, a multinational corporation based in Newfoundland and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, refuses to accept responsibility for the massive sediment discharges, blaming the orange-brown contaminants on activities upstream of the dam. This claim is preposterous, as you can see in these photographs from our colleagues at the Belize Institute of Environmental Law and Policy. It shows clear water wending its way down the Macal River to the dam. Immediately downstream of the dam, the water becomes orange and polluted....