Sunday, November 08, 2009

Will someone please lock up Joe Lieberman, I think he is a terrorist.

The USA is engaged in two wars in two Islamic countries and this is the kind of insensitivity Lieberman practices. He is killing soldiers and putting them in great danger by making such idiotic statements.

FOX News is placing our soldiers, their mission and our allies in greater danger by allowing such propaganda and permitting such statements of hatred.

Lieberman has NO source, no intelligence to back up his point of view, it is inflammatory rhetoric that is to 'play' to his constituency. He and FOX News are compromising our military, hence, compromising our national security.

Army chief fears backlash for Muslim U.S. soldiers (click here)
Sun Nov 8, 2009 11:30am EST
By Will Dunham
WASHINGTON, Nov 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. Army's top general expressed concern on Sunday that last week's mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, blamed on a Muslim Army officer, could fuel a backlash in the military against Muslim troops.
General George Casey, U.S. Army chief of staff, cautioned against jumping to conclusions about whether religious beliefs motivated the accused gunman, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim born in the United States of immigrant parents.
"I'm concerned that this increased speculation could cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers. And I've asked our Army leaders to be on the lookout for that," Casey told CNN's "State of the Union."
There are about 3,000 Muslims on active duty military service or in the National Guard or reserve forces, Casey said. They remain a small minority within the U.S. military....

There is NO WAY the tragedy at Fort Hood was a terrorist attack. Joe Lieberman needs to stop being stupid.

The man 'went postal' Joe, just that simple. Unfortunately when a soldier 'goes postal' the tragedy is that much greater. And you would have to know the statement was made on FOX News. Where else would he have that kind of permission to be inflammatory and insulting to the USA military.

If the military knew there was a plot against the government from within its ranks it would have acted on it.

The official position of the USA military is that this was an isolated incident. And they are correct.

There is nothing to state it was anything else but, the killer never had contact with any terrorist group anywhere and Lieberman is an idiot. He is inflaming hatred of Muslim Troops and that is bigotry.

Knock it off, Joe! Close down FOX News, will ya? They are endangering the well being of our troops by such outrageous accusations and they are endangering our sovereignty by threatening our troops. They don't belong on the air.

..Sen. Joe Lieberman called the Fort Hood (click title to entry - thank you) massacre an act of "Islamist extremism" - even as top Army brass warned Sunday against guessing at a motive, fearing backlash against Muslim soldiers.
"There are very, very strong warning signs here that Dr. Hasan had become an Islamist extremist and, therefore, that this was a terrorist act," Lieberman (I-Conn) told Fox News on Sunday....