They are angry.
They are hateful.
They are self-righteous.
They are judgemental.
They are ALL angry with the media as an easy target for their frustration.
They can't control their wealth anymore.
They don't want to pay more in taxes and they want their power back WITHOUT question.
In the case of Hannity, he simply lies where it is convenient so he can maintain his point of view.
In the case of Palin, she cries where she has to pay legal bills that her PAC won't cover.
In the case of King, "What is this guy doing in office?" He analogizes a Pop Singer to the military. It has no validity. King actually goes further and states (with his forked tongue) that 'he believes in American values (where they suit his political purpose), but, invalidates 'The Rule of Law' when it doesn't serve his purpose.
They are hypocrits, plain and simple.