What could have been assessed are the States vehicle registration files to find out exactly the number of 'supposed clunkers' in the nation. This will probably make a significant difference in CO2 emissions while giving the new auto industry a 'leg up.' The 'pit fall' will be if the auto industry over estimates their future 'market' when the program ends.
This is 'kinda neat' to have everyone want to achieve a better vehicle and rid the nation of CO2. We are great as Americans. We really are. Nice. Very nice.
"Go, Obama, Go."
Who knew? It appears as though the Bush economy in the USA simply killed the auto market. I think President Obama has stumbled onto something here. Interesting. Can the nation afford not to continue the program? That's the question. It would seem with $4500.00 incentive auto dealerships have hope of liquidating their assets. That should open a real discussion with the SBA as well. What sells, what doesn't, best way to market.
I think this opens up the issue, "What is realistic as far as 'sticker price?' The auto manufacturers need to 'conference' with their dealerships to continue to propagate their success over this program. Fertile groud for better marketing and viability.
This is 'kinda neat' to have everyone want to achieve a better vehicle and rid the nation of CO2. We are great as Americans. We really are. Nice. Very nice.
"Go, Obama, Go."
Who knew? It appears as though the Bush economy in the USA simply killed the auto market. I think President Obama has stumbled onto something here. Interesting. Can the nation afford not to continue the program? That's the question. It would seem with $4500.00 incentive auto dealerships have hope of liquidating their assets. That should open a real discussion with the SBA as well. What sells, what doesn't, best way to market.
I think this opens up the issue, "What is realistic as far as 'sticker price?' The auto manufacturers need to 'conference' with their dealerships to continue to propagate their success over this program. Fertile groud for better marketing and viability.