Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Congress is not doing the people's business. I didn't realize the Busih administration was still in office.

I told you so. The Republicans are running their 'chronic campaigning' and THEIR electorate is reacting to the same 'fear mongering' 'CONSTRUCTED' by Bush and Cheney and Rove.

This is all about politics and has NOTHING to do with the best interests of the country or our national security.

Republicans are losing. They are losing bit and 2010 is a turning point for 'The Party.' If they continue to loss seats they will be a 'mute' party. They have all of about six months to get their act together to at least hold the seats they have now. 2010 is pivotal. The Republicans are running scared and are dumping tons of money into PROPAGANDA.

The Democrats need to get their act together and stop allowing the Republicans that REMAIN in Congress to lead 'a charge' of faux and bad policy. This is outrageous. It is simply outrageous.

They took the words of Mueller at the FBI and spun 'fear' throughout their electorate without 'fact finding' the security or the possiblity of putting any terrorist in a Supermax to CUT costs and return reputation to the USA.

The lack of money needed to close Gitmo is a Republican directive. They not only 'stirred up' false fears in their elecorate, but, actually alarmed enough Democrats at the last minute so they shifted their votes. This is an outrage for many reasons. The Republicans are not only 'aiming' their lies at their electorate, but, they 'are running game' on a Democratic majority.

That is treasonist as the vote resulted in a 'directive' AWAY from the will of the majority that elected President Obama. They are conspiring. They have nothing left to do with their time and political direction except plot against the country again. They are even calling Colin Powell an incompetent. I mean, who do they think they are except desperate soon to be job seekers.

The Republican Party hasn't learned a darn thing from the NEW government elected in 2006 and 2008. They haven't learned a darn thing. They only 'redoubled' their ammunition against the American People.

Analysis: Guantanamo a political win GOP needed (click title to entry - thank you)
By CHARLES BABINGTON – 9 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans have searched mightily for a good political issue this year as their traditional three Gs — gays, guns and God — have lost some steam. Now a fourth G — Guantanamo Bay — is handing them big boost, forcing President Barack Obama on the defensive.
One of Obama's first acts as president was to order the closing of the controversial prison for terrorist suspects within a year. Obama had campaigned on the issue, but Republicans pounced on what they considered a crucial flaw: the lack of detailed plans for where the roughly 240 detainees would go if the Cuban prison were shut down.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, for example, gave dozens of speeches and interviews saying the United States would be no safer by moving terrorists to American soil. Other Republicans suggested terrorists might escape, recruit new allies or become magnets for attacks.
Democrats largely ignored the remarks for months, but by this week the public agitation was too much. The Senate voted 90-6 Wednesday to block the transfer of Guantanamo detainees, an ill-timed rebuke for Obama, who is scheduled to give a major speech on terrorism Thursday.
Even the GOP's less partisan members could scarcely believe how deeply the issue was resonating with voters back home. The breadth of the Republicans' political victory has been remarkable in a season where criticism of Obama's economic policies have yielded little....