He added (click for video): "I have a problem to explain and President Karzai knows this, because I discussed it with him. I have a problem to explain to a critical public audience in Europe, be it the UK or elsewhere, why I'm sending the guys to the Hindu Kush."...
NGOs need to determine whether they are operating WILLINGLY under a regime that violates international law. If they are, then they are as guilty as The Taliban.
..."Ahead of the meeting, a number of leading charities warned that an increase in military deployments in Afghanistan could lead to a rise in civilian casualties.
They called on Nato leaders gathering in Strasbourg to do more to protect the population.
Last year more than 2,000 civilians were killed in Afghanistan.
In a report titled Caught in the Conflict, 11 aid groups including Oxfam, ActionAid and Care called on Nato to change the way it operates."...
The article at the title to this entry is a bit 'silly' to say the least. Some NATO countries are indecisive in sending troops into Afghanistan for concern they will be enforcing Sharia Law that violates the rights of women and human rights.
The reason the USA originally invaded Afghanistan in 2001 was to defend itself from attacks resulting from an organization called al Qaeda located then in Afghanistan and protected by The Taliban. A declaration of war includes establishing 'peaceful' law that respects the values of the victor. We would have hoped the victor was the USA, however, it is evidenced that through a rise in authority that is oppressive and in violation of human rights the Taliban have won the battle and have instilled a return of their authority.
The question to some European nations and the reason they question sending additional troops revolves around the FACT the ? new ? government in Afghanistan was ? freely ? elected and now is establishing laws that are counter productive, counter culture and down right illegal. That wasn't supposed to happen and why Hamid Karzai was elected President.
You see, the reason Mullah Omar wanted to ride victoriously into Kandahar as a returning hero on his ass (donkey), is because the USA lost the war and he and his influence from the far reaches of Pakistan, THROUGH legitimately sanctioned UN elections, overthrew the Karzai government. The reason the civilized world is calling the Karzai government corrupt is because 'the influence' of civilization was abandoned when Bush went into Iraq. The Karzai government, including his brother, was left with no alternative but to capitulate 'cultural' mores to the society and Afghan-Paki Drug Cartels, hence becoming as bad as the influence in order to ATTEMPT to maintain order.
In May, President Karzai steps down and it is completely obvious to me come elections later in the year, al Qaeda was to rule in Afghanistan compliments of the failure of Bush/Cheney to 'stay the fight.'
Once having established authority in Afghanistan through whatever figure head would be elected, al Qaeda would harness the power of what is currently the Afghan military/police and begin to build a 'power' to conquer Pakistan and secure nuclear capacity for al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.
If that isn't evident to you, then I don't know what is. The USA has LOST the 'War of September 11th' and NATO has been trying to 'hold on' in order to 'devole' the abandonment of Bush/Cheney to Iraq.
One of the reasons the Obama Administration has sent additional troops into Afghanistan was because of 'the void' of authority from May until the elections and then to facilitate 'peaceful' elections in Afghanistan. It is completely obvious to me, that Hamid Karzai has done all he could to maintain 'an authority' in Afghanistan until the American Electorate came to their senses and placed a 'true patriot' in the Presidency to 'salvage' the 'war of 2001.'
The question now 'stands' as to what happens in May and what indeed happens in subsequent elections. At this point, President Karzai has to report to the United Nations that the current laws and proposed laws of Afghanistan are indeed comprised of human rights violations, hence, requiring abandonment of the Afghan Constitution and subsequent laws, instilling Marshall Law and a continuation of his leadership beyond May.
NATO has to reauthorize the war as a legitimate cause of civilized nations and seek to return control of the government to the benevolent people of Afghanistan. It is completely obvious 'The Taliban' are less an ethnicity of the region and more a militaristic regime that needs to be defeated and their leaders held accountable before World Courts "IF" they survive the return of order to the country.
Karzai and all his NATO allies have to address the General Assembly of the United Nations. One might want to find Musharraf and label him as a human rights offender in facilitating the return of a hostile military regime in Afghanistan.