Friday, April 17, 2009

I've run into some interesting information. I can't write about it yet...

...but, I am glad I started this journey.

If what I am discovering is true, we have a lot of work to do in recognizing the degree at which Earth is deteriorating. I have to finish some inquiries. But, I am even running into 'attitudes of helplessness' by scientists due to the inability to stop or slow the warming while realizing some stark realities. The 'entire' awakening for me is alarming.

Sorry, I want to be more specific, but be patient, more later. Promise.

At any rate, I found this laptop called an HP Mini. This is the result of its operation and it seems as though it uses far less power with a good battery.

I have something to say about this so called, "Tax Rebellion" by the "Right Wing Extremists" of the USA that brings justification to the 'concept' of torture.

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