Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Antithesis of Populism

Michele Bachmann Calls For Violent Revolution (click title of entry - thank you)

The bastion of the Republican Party is rhetorical populism that allows for faux beliefs that insults the USA Constitution, including, the government's role in 'individual' freedom and the laws that separate church and state. It is the only way the Republicans maintain a 'base' and without it they have no party.

It is people like Bachmann and Palin that feel there is no limit on hate mongering and advocating violence that make the party more than a poor choice in an election, but, a dangerous one.

Yesterday, Bachmann, crossed 'the line' AGAIN. Trying to maintain the level of hatred of the current administration started by Palin during her Vice Presidential Campaign, she actually called for citizens to arm themselves to fight a revolution to overthrow the government.

The problem is that people in the periphery of society, such as Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph actually believe idiots like Bachman and take the call seriously. Perhaps the real question to Ms. Bachmann is 'Who's side is she on and does she actually know Osama bin Laden?'