A Palestinian man places a Hamas flag in the debris of a mosque in Gaza City (click here)
Perhaps it takes Libya to find a methodology to bring extremists to terms with their violence. Colonel Mohammar Quadaffi learned after the loss of two grandchildern that carrying out violence is costly. Disarming Hamas should be a priority for The Arab League if they are to enforce the condition of 'One Palestinian Government.' How that disarmament is going to be carried out needs to be included in any resolution, otherwise, the violence propagated by Hamas will continue and once again Israel will be 'FORCED' into defending its people and cities.
UN Security Council takes up Arab resolution on Gaza
21 hours ago
UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — Libya presented a draft resolution from the Arab League to a UN Security Council emergency meeting that calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.
The draft resolution "strongly condemns all military attacks and the excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force by Israel, the occupying power, which have led to the death and injury of scores of innocent Palestinian civilians, including women and children."
It calls for "an immediate ceasefire and for its full respect by both sides."
It also calls on Israel "to scrupulously abide by all of its obligations under international humanitarian law, particularly under the Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilians in time of war."
The 15-member council is now expected to convene a public debate on the draft resolution that includes representatives from Israel, Egypt, the Arab League and the Palestinian territories....

A Palestinian carries a wounded girl following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City on Thursday (AFP photo ) (click here)
The statement below by a Hamas leader is the kind of hatred that concerns Middle East leaders that may cause greater stirrings among the extremists. There are many extremist groups capable of carrying out violent acts. It is why there is opposition to Israel's attack into Gaza. Such attacks are viewed as inflammatory. I can't help believe quoting extremists that advocate hate and violence isn't just as bad, if not worse.
Israeli strike kills senior Hamas leader
..."The blood of Sheikh Nizar Rayyan and the blood of other martyrs will never be wasted and the enemy will pay a heavy price for crimes it committed," said Hamas official Ayman Taha....

End this discord: Saud (click title to entry - thank you)
Arab News
...“If the Security Council fail to bring about a cessation of hostilities, an Arab summit will be convened in the Qatari capital Doha,” the Saudi Press Agency quoted the source as saying. Foreign ministers of the Arab League met yesterday behind close doors before a final round of talks....
Over a year ago, Prince Saud Al-Faisal foretold of the instability in Gaza.
I don't necessarily agree with his view of the populous of Iraq in that the Shia and Sunnis have lived side by side in peace for centuries. That is not the case. I cite in defense of that point of view the genocidal act of 2002 when Saddam Hussein stopped water from flowing to Southern Iraq with subsequent uprising and death of 50,000 Shi'ites.
That type of 'mind speak' will inhibit movement to a sincerely secure Middle East. I do believe he is correct and sincere about Palestine and all efforts need to be made to unite the nation of Palestine under one government and loyalty. They have to come to terms with their hatred of Israel and seek quality of life for their people and preservation of a future for their children.
Acknowledging the facts and moving forward to resolve issues 'realistically' rather than 'ideally' in a 'Neocon mindset' is the only way to establish stability. Foreign relations of the USA over the past eight years has been based in primarily propaganda.
Diplomats have resigned from the State Department under Bush/Cheney because of the hideous nature of the communication they were demanded to engage with their assignments. With Neocon and Right Wing 'ideology' chronically the language used in foreign relations it masked 'the truth' and any sincere resolve to the violence in the Middle East.
Perhaps one of the first acts of our new Secretary of State should be an apology to the international community for the issues 'faux' foreign policy has caused globally for the past eight years. An apology would open the opportunity to re-evaluate relations and seek treaties that actually work toward peace, stability and prosperity.
The issues with Gaza started with the Sharon Relocation. Hamas has been a menace for some time now. The interview below was following the problems Fatah experienced when Hamas closed Gaza from the central authority of Palestine.
"...The foreign minister said that both Palestinian sides had been warned in Makkah that unless there is an accepted national unity government that promotes the Arab League peace initiative, the fragile agreement would break down. He highlighted the importance of allowing those who fled Gaza to return, including members of Fatah...." (click here)