NO ONE HAS BEEN CONVICTED and the Democrats are allowing idiots to turn this into a circus.
Fire the Illinois Attorney General, she has no right to take a federal proceeding into her own hands. NONE !
I don't believe in resignation of any ELECTED official unless the PROOF is overwhelming. I don't consider 'conversations' between a Chief of Staff and a Governor whom were exploring what was possible, right or wrong, overwhelming evidence. As a matter of fact the case is so weak Fitzgerald needs to drop the charges. Libby walked, you know what I mean. This case is even weaker than that one!
The Republicans are laughing their butts off. By the time this is over, the Democrats won't have a candidate for Senate or a Party in Illinois. They are bunch of jerks being lead around by the nose by the media.
And at the end of it all, the Governor will be as clean as a whistle while everyone else sits behind bars or worse if they keep this up. There is nothing to those charges and there is no wrong doing to date. It needs to END there. The people that were solisiting for money to bargain a candidate into public office are lucky. Their offer was never accepted !