December24, 2008
UNISYS Water Vapor North and West Hemispheric Satellite (click here for 12 hour loop)
Heat transfers off the subtropics and tropics, across the continent, right over the Artic Circle where frigid air is displaced off the Arctic to lower latitudes.
There is also no such thing as Clean Coal Technology (I'll explain it all another day, but, just take my word for it for now, even though the USA has the majority of the coal in the world doesn't mean there is such a thing as Clean Coal Technology. There isn't). It is a 'dream' that Obama hopes can be achieved. Mike's page is sad tonight (click at title to entry - thank you).
The frigid cold in the northern tier of the country is due to 'heavy air' displacement from the Arctic as heat transfers cover the Arctic Ocean. Hot air rises, cold air sinks. As the heated air from the Equator is transferred by huge vortexes in the upper troposphere the colder, denser, heavier air is pushed off the north cap and down around the lower latitudes.
It is why the Northeast USA among other places have declared a State of Emergency. Because it is. These are not SIMPLE 'nor-easters,' these are frigid Arctic storms due to Human Induced Global Warming.
Good night, all.
National Debt Graph: Bush Sets 50-Year Record (click here)
50-Year Record on Sept. 22.
$10 Trillion on Sept. 30, 2008.
The gross national debt compared to GDP (how rich we are) reached its lowest level since 1931 as Reagan took office in 1981. It skyrocketed for 12 years through Bush senior. Clinton reversed it at a peak of 67%. Bush junior crossed that line on Sept. 22 and hit 69% on Sept 30. That's the highest it's been since 1955. (sources)Bush did three things to skyrocket the debt from $5.7 trillion to $10 trillion:1. He lowered taxes on the rich (by far the biggest item).2. He invaded Iraq instead of winning in Afghan-Pakistan (another $600 B).3. He deregulated Wall Street speculators. That bailout has now "invested" $1T.