His timing is impeccable. He put his security team at the center of Americans' attention at a time when a terrorist network wanted nothing more than to fill any populous full of fear of their potential after attacks in Mumbai. I'll discuss this issue more extensively in the future, but, to believe those attacks were backed by the Pakistan government is nonsense. Pakistan recently had a change in government, these terrorists as they come by sea from a Pakistani terrorist group was incubated under Musharraf (click here). It is my estimation that the attacks into India by a Pakistani terrorist group served Musharraf's future ambition to destablize the current FREELY ELECTED Democratic Bhutto leadership.
To return to the USA, I like the diversity of the choices of President-elect Obama, but, wish there is precise recognition by him of the lack of extensively experienced minorities in our federal government to help fill his ranks. I believe whomever he chooses for the Secretary of Education need to examine the graduation of minorities at high levels of achievement that can enter the ranks of public policy in the future. One of the most ludicrous statements coming from 'the Right' after Barak's election is that this election has to end 'EEOC.' Oh, really? Well, let's be sure that the end of EEOC is based in solid statistics and the upward movement of our minorities and not simply an election of the best qualified man to the office of the President of the USA.
I believe we are on our way to achieving the goals set by grossly ignored segments of our society and look forward to all the considerations of those that have agreed to serve this unique administration. I appreciate the loyalty of each member of the Obama administration and their willingness to put the future of our Constitution and citizens at the heart of all their decisions. I thank all of them.
May 9, 2007 (202) 224-5042
**Remarks as Prepared for Delivery**
United States Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Opening Statement in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
(click title to entry - thank you)
Hearing on Climate Change – A National Security Threat
Obama's security line-up (click here)
The O team
Dec 1st 2008 NEW YORKFrom Economist.com
Barack Obama introduces his national-security team
THE phrase “team of rivals” has been on every pundit's lips since it became clear that Barack Obama would make Hillary Clinton his secretary of state. Coming from the title of a book about Abraham Lincoln’s cabinet, it seems to highlight that Mr Obama wants to hear dissenting opinions, including from his biggest personal rival, Mrs Clinton. But a look at his national-security line-up, which was officially announced on Monday December 1st, suggests a team that will probably gel reasonably well....
The Los Angeles Times (click here - video)
..."The national security challenges we face are just as grave, and just as urgent, as our economic crisis," Obama said during a Chicago news conference where he was surrounded by his newly chosen team. "We are fighting two wars. Old conflicts remain unresolved, and newly assertive powers have put strains on the international system. The spread of nuclear weapons raises the peril that the world's deadliest technology could fall into dangerous hands. Our dependence on foreign oil empowers authoritarian governments and endangers our planet."...
...He introduced his team one by one, starting with Senator Clinton, his former bitter rival for the Democratic presidential nomination; then Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who will stay on, at least for a time, in the new administration; Gen. James L. Jones, the former NATO commander, to be national security adviser; Gov. Janet Napolitano of Arizona to be secretary of homeland security: Susan E. Rice to be ambassador to the United Nations, and Eric H. Holder Jr. to be attorney general....