Friday, December 19, 2008

Double Speak - ..."Instead of protecting voter rights, it allows the campaigns to become the gatekeepers of the election."

People vote for candidates. Therefore, the people are represented by the candidates when a court challenged is engaged. If a candidate sincerely believes in the votes received then it is the candidates obligation to insist on an accounting of all ballots cast.

There is no displacement of authority to a 'gatekeeper' system. It is the right and obligation of the candidate to insist the voters are represented honestly. These are legitimate challenges to cease disenfranchisement of voters in Minnesota.

"...What’s more, the Coleman campaign returned to the Minnesota Supreme Court this morning over the issue of potentially double-counted ballots. The Republican’s camp has argued that in some cases (roughly 150 total) both original and duplicate ballots have been mistakenly included in the tally and wants the court to enjoin the canvassing board from certifying the election results until the issue is resolved. At least one local election official, Cindy Reichert of Minneapolis, seems to agree that double-counting may have occurred. The Franken campaign maintains it’s not an issue. The canvassing board voted unanimously this morning not to get involved in the matter, prompting the Coleman campaign to seek redress in the courts...."