Yesterday went well. I think the jubulation about 10:30 PM last night when the West Coast reported in was wonderful. It was like a veil of freedom was returning to our presence. The enthusiasm all day has been incredible and I welcome it all.
I found the interactive maps of The New York Times incredible.
But, yesterday evening until the election was won, I watched someone with an electronic map provide expert information that enlightened me to the strategies involved in winning the elections of 2008. I think John King did a remarkable job and I learned a few things last night about 'how the game was played' this year.
I hope the relationship with the public by the mass media continues to return to a happy, healthy balance. I caution. We need our country returned without any doubt or influence peddling to the status it had before there was such doubt cast on the USA or the people that are citizens.
I thank you all for a great day yesterday and the lingering effects yet today. I hope we find the audacity to be Americans again with as free a media without reprisals or victimization.