Sunday, November 09, 2008

She lost the election. She wore the clothes. There isn't else to say.

She needs to 'fucking' shut up and wait to appoint herself to the Senate when Stevens goes to jail.


Did you ever think you would see the day when Republican mouths were Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Wait. Oh, yeah. Bush.

I'll NEVER vote for her when she tries to run for President of the USA either !

She should go shoot a moose or something, it might make her feel better ! There are laws to prosecute people that do exactly this and cause harm to others by their words and actions. If anything happened OR happens to Barak or any member of his 'limited' family she could be brought up on charges.

She needs to stop whining about her lose and stop blaming OTHERS for the loss and take RESPONSIBILITY ! Typical 'Run at the Mouth' Republican, all hubris and ego without substance.

In social circles she'd be called a 'Junk Yard Dog.' Who needs it?

Palin linked to death threats against Obama (click at title to entry, thank you.
9 Nov 2008, 1243 hrs IST, PTI

WASHINGTON: The defeated Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been blamed by the Secret Service for provoking a spike in death
threats against US President-elect Barack Obama.
During the bitter election campaign, the Alaskan governor had questioned Obama's patriotism and accused him of "palling around with terrorists", citing his links with the sixties radical William Ayers.
Palin's demagogic tone may have unintentionally encouraged white supremacists to plan attacks on the future president of the US.
The Secret Service warned the Obama family last month that they had seen a dramatic surge in threats against the Democratic leader, coinciding with Palin's attacks, the Daily Telegraph newspaper has reported.
The latest details of the increase in threats to Obama come as a report by a top think tank last week had warned that he is a high risk target for racist gunmen.
"Two plots to assassinate Obama were broken up during the campaign season, and several more remain under investigation. We would expect federal authorities to uncover many more plots to attack the president that have been hatched by white supremacist ideologues," warned Stratfor, a security and intelligence analysts.
The verbal attacks by Palin on Obama had provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling "terrorist" and "kill him" until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric, the British daily said....