Monday, October 20, 2008

John McCain is really reaching. He is defrauding the simply definition of the compassion of the USA.

There is something called SOCIALIZED DEMOCRACY and that is the aspect of the USA that makes it great.

John McCain is defrauding the election. He is doing it in may ways, but, one of his tactics that seems to be a favorite is to raise issues of fear.

The issues of the USA turning into a Socialist state are simply outrageous. The USA historically has been a nation that has treated its citizens with concern and to that end we have many socialized programs, the latest being a Wealth Program for Banks.

A favorite term the McCain Campaign likes to use is "Redistribution of Wealth." The USA has on many, many occassions done exactly that, the latest being a Wealth Program for Banks.

Sarah Palin has little room to speak when it comes to redistribution of the wealth. Her success as a woman in office comes from decades of work on the back of female entrepreneurs dating back to 'DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH PROGRAMS' from the 1960s. See, when 'Mainstream Jobs' are available only to men and there are women graduating from the nations universities due to judicial rulings of Gender and Sex Discrimination there needed to be a place where they can 'move on' to work in the careers of their choice.

Women today, including Nancy Pelosi (The first Woman Speaker of the House, might remember the 1960s better than some of her peers) are fortunate to have women that took plenty of ridicule in their day for taking 'the lead' to bring about change by petitioning government to facilitate them as entrepreneurs by sponsoring programs through Small Business Administrations and direct government funding in some cases that allowed them to make a living and change the face of opportunity for women.

The government funding came from places called TAXES. Yes, and even corporate taxes from the very corporations that oppressed the opportunites for women in the first place. Go figure, huh?

As women proved their ability to be successful in business they were brought into the ranks of corporations and hence the 'Final Glass Ceiling' that Hillary Clinton so much hoped to address.

So, for McCain to come out and state that 'Redistribution of Wealth' is a mistake, is simply Republican Dogma that is more a commitment to Right Wing Extremism than the reality of the USA and how socialized programs are applied to our democracy.

The Republican National Committiee and the McCain Campaign should be ashamed at their attempt of 'leverage' in redefining how America applies socialized principles to its democracy. It is simply fear mongering no different than their RoboCalls.

RoboCalls are an amazing reality to come to, when one realizes it is a machine that is reaching out to Americans to take seriously the view point of one person. That is an abuse of technology that it was never designed for, but, hey we have nuclear weapons as well. And today, thanks to Republicans we have nuclear weapons WITHOUT Non-proliferation Agreements.