Thursday, October 23, 2008

Former Bush press secretary backs Obama

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Ex-Bush Aide McClellan Praises Stone's `W' as `Fairly Straight' (click here)
By Alison Fitzgerald
Oct. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Former White House press secretary
Scott McClellan praised director Oliver Stone for trying to ``play it fairly straight'' in his new film about President George W. Bush, `W.'
``Even if he misses the mark sometimes, he deserves credit for the glimpses of inner truth he provides, which can only be instructive, especially as we prepare to elect a new president,'' McClellan said in a posting on the Web site ``
The Daily Beast.'' ``Stone tries to play it fairly straight.''
McClellan was a public face and voice of the White House, first as deputy press secretary then as chief spokesman, for the first six years of Bush's presidency. This year he published a memoir in which he said the president used a ``political propaganda campaign'' to justify going to war in Iraq.
McClellan, 40, said Stone's film gives an exaggerated portrait of Bush as simple-minded and ``merrily oblivious.'' He said Bush is a man of ``deep personal faith who may have felt a calling to enter politics, but he never came across to me as presuming to know God's will.''
Overall the film is ``good, not bad,'' McClellan concludes.
To contact the reporters on this story:
Alison Fitzgerald in Washington at; Last Updated: October 17, 2008 12:46 EDT