Not the 'bailed-out.'
We don't belong in Iraq.
We never did.
Infrastructure projects at HOME. Not every place ELSE but home.
The British Army is recruiting in areas of high unemployment
Better days for military recruiters (click here)
The Pentagon says it met its goals for 2008, and expects the bad economy to increase enlistment further.
By Julian E. Barnes
October 11, 2008
The economic downturn could make it easier to attract new recruits to the military, Defense officials said Friday as they announced that the Pentagon had met its 2008 recruiting goals.
Economic uncertainty and a declining job market are likely to make potential recruits and their parents more receptive to a pitch from the military, said David Chu, undersecretary of Defense for personnel and readiness.
“We do benefit when things look less positive in civil society,” Chu said. “That is a situation where more people are willing to give us a chance.”
Historically, military recruiting has been easier in periods of a weak economy and dim job prospects. If the recent financial turmoil translates into a deep recession and job losses, more high school graduates may consider military service, officials said Friday.
Chu said the military had no plans to adjust its pitch to potential recruits or to set higher enlistment goals....