POW HOME: Lt. Col. Edison W. Miller, right, is shown Feb. 16, 1973 arriving home at Mirimar after more than five years in a Vietnamese POW camp. At left is Maj. Gen. Herman Poggemeyer.
MEDALS: Edison Miller who served in the Marines for more than 24 years displays the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart and other medals he was awarded for his service.
POW mate calls McCain 'liar' over 'turncoat' charge
Irvine resident Edison Miller is shown center, third from left, with a group of POWs meeting a delegation. He was shot down over Vietnam on Oct.13, 1967 and spent over 5 years as a POW.
Edison Miller is noted on the same page as the former Captain John McCain (click here). A US Captain had no right to ridicule any other downed pilot.
..."He lied about me," said the Irvine resident, who retired as a Marine Corps colonel shortly after the war. "The attacks on my character and integrity are totally without merit or justification. I did stand up and say the war was wrong. I would speak against the war, but I never spoke against my country. And I gave up no secrets."... (click here)
They were both POWs. This is inexcusable. I guess McCain needed to feel he was still captain of something.
Vietnam failed because it was an illegal and immoral war.
There were a lot of people against the Vietnam War and some were even killed on our own soil because of it (click here). Nixon ordered armed National Guard troops onto college campuses to kill innocent and unarmed people exerting their rights to freedom of speech, assembly and self-expression as citizens. The problem was a corrupt President !
Vietnam Veterans Against the War (click here).
West Point Graduates Against the War (click here)
Believers Against the War (click here)
Seeking out and knowing the truth regarding circumstances that engage USA soldiers in war and opposing the Executive Branch that violates that trust isn't a matter of being less a patriot.
It is a matter of being the greatest of patriots !