If John McCain is elected there will be a draft.
If you are making decisions regarding your vote based on the fact you are scared of seeking peace, then you have sealed 'the deal' on America at War.
The Commander and Chief Role of the USA Constitution is supposed to be 'a part' of the responsibility of The Presidency; NOT a goal.
...According to the Atlantic, John McCain recently had a conversation with a woman in Los Crucas, New Mexico, who was concerned about the plight of veterans.
The woman said, in part:"My son is an officer in the Air Force, I'm a vet, and I was raised in a military family. And I think it's a sorry state of affairs. When we have illegal aliens; having a medic-aid card that can access specialists, top physicians, the best of medical, and our vets can't even get to a doctor. And these are the people that we tied yellow ribbons for and Bush patted on the back. If we don't re-enact the draft, I don't think we'll have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of Hell. ( click here) "
To which Senator John McCain replied, "Ma'am let me say that I don't disagree with anything you have said and thank you."...
To begin, the USA cannnot 'sustain' a protracted war on any front. It has no economy and there is a huge myth about 'a war economy.' The War Economy of WW II occurred 'in consent' of allies and in support of an overt reason to succeed. One of those allies was Russia. Russia is NOT Hitler.
It is completely naive to think the return of Rosie the Riveter in hopes of re-establishing an economy for the USA, with high ideals of returning some form of democracy to Georgia while removing any further 'threat' from Communism is hideous to conceive. A country has to have 'income' to supply a war. Cutting taxes, while exporting the USA economy has caused a recording setting debt in the USA, that China primarily holds the purse strings and as soon as the USA moves against Russia, it can count on sinking whatever is left of the USA economy.
Today, there is no end in sight to the failing USA economy as it stands. Unemployment is rising and UNDERemployment hasn't even been addressed in the political rhelm. Additionally, the USA is failing to provide health care to its people in a way that makes the country healthier and therefore places a huge burden on defining and guaranteeing a 'healthy work force' to any companies that might be interested in establishing within the USA borders. Literally, the USA is on its own in recovering from this steady decline in its economic reality and McCain has no viable economic plan to invigorate USA infrastructure.
Outsourcing and expanding NAFTA is out of question. Companies that have long stood by the USA, such as Ford and GM need us. They need a political system that stands in loyality to them and provides a benevolent climate for them to succeed. The future of the USA demands change and in a very big way. The future for the USA depends completely on a new vision for the country and a strong diplomatic effort with both allies and enemies. Allies, such as the former Soviet States have lost faith in the USA. They have every right to believe having the USA as an ally is nothing more than an empty promise. Because its true. Bush and Rice have done NOTHING but pander to 'ideologies' in regard to Georgia because there is no other choice left them. They have no ability to war with Russia and Russia knows it.
John McCain IS NOT capable of leading the USA out of the quagmire it currently wallows. He has no new ideas, he has no ability to extend new relationships with other countries, he has no loyality to the American people. His 'idea' of loyality to Americans is to hand them war and plenty of it. That is loyality? Not the way I define it !