Coronado Shores
The place where Cindy McCain and family decided to take advantage of the demised California housing market.
That's NOT the best part, though.
Southland home prices tumble fast (click here)
March 14, 2008
Southern California home prices are now 19% below their peak last year, and the surprisingly rapid decline is leading experts to predict that the housing slump will be worse than initially thought – surpassing the severe downturn of the 1990s....
March 14, 2008
Southern California home prices are now 19% below their peak last year, and the surprisingly rapid decline is leading experts to predict that the housing slump will be worse than initially thought – surpassing the severe downturn of the 1990s....
These priorites by a prominent Arizona family is clear demonstration of their 'moral content' and where their loyalities reside. They'll pass judgement on women that seek abortions, but, couldn't care less if they have a home to bring their children to, so much as 'taking advantage' of the planned assault against personal American security in home ownership to 'provide a faux Bush economy' that buoyed his 2004 election.
Now, John McCain wants to 'take advantage' of the adversity his 95% backing of Bush/Cheney policy brought, for him to say HE is a DC outsider.
SO !!!
The fact John McCain could not even speak to the issue without leaning on his political advisors to regurgitate 'his appropriate' statements is more than troublesome.
"I think -- I'll have my staff get to you," McCain replied. "It's condominiums where -- I'll have them get to you."
If McCain is unable to make statements about personal home ownership and the activities of his family, then what else does he require coaching on that ONLY his advisors 'get to dictate' comes through his vibarto.
We are all far too familiar with the 'image making' of Bush and how 'the control' of that image made him completely inaccessible to the people he was SUPPOSED to serve. We are seeing the 'same exact phenomena' with McCain and 'here we go again' and WHO indeed is really the candidate? McCain or his 'advisory team?'
The USA needs a leader, NOT, a puppet.