The entire role of the "Evangelical Preacher" is out of control.
The Evangelicals are having a 'good time' at my expense.
The Evangelicals are having a 'good time' at the expense of my country.
If Evangelicals can't/won't live by the same rules as everyone else then they need to be 'saved from themselves.'
The Evangelicals are having a 'good time' at the expense of my Constitution.
Saturday Evening there was a performance by Rick Warren that supposedly brought down the house when he hosted interviews with the candidates. It was nothing, but, politics as usual straight from the Rove Play Book.
I thought Barak was more than a good sport to go along with it, but, Mr. Warren was way outside the definition of appropriate in consenting to such politicking and there is a very healthy reason for it.
Up to now?
Mr. Warren and those like him have gotten 'a pass' on playing politics as a religous non-profit. All that might stop if they can't secure the White House with still another 'win for the almighty gipper.'
Mr. Warren should have his non-profit status pulled by the federal government as he stepped way over the light in hosting a political forum where candidates were exploited for their 'faithfulness' to Evangelicals.
The opening salvos were enough to demand repentance. I quote:
"We do believe in the separation of church and state, we do not believe in the separation of faith and politics."
How hipocritical is that?
Can anyone have church without faith? No.
Can any state exist without politics? No. Even the worst of dictatorships still conduct politics.
Rick Warren, no different than any other religious organization in the USA is playing politics for the purpose of INFLUENCING the electorate outcome in November. Rick Warren's candidate is NOT Barack Obama or John McCain. Rick Warren's candidate is God.
End of Discussion.