Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon on Friday.
What is normally coined as a crime in the USA, is simply the way of life in the Middle East !!!
When one considers the impoverishment the Shias face on a regular basis while fending off hostile regimes of power, from that of the USA and sanctioned militias of the Green Zone Iraqis to the unrepresented leaders of Hamas whom know their people will fight to the death; the importation of arms through Iran to the militias that hold their ground against such power structures; this is NOT an escalation of war in the Middle East but simply an IMPOSED way of life to sustain them against genocidal trends !!!
There is NO war in the Middle East that oppresses regimes of power that are a threat to the security of the USA. The American military has become a power structure in servatude to the Neocon Republican political machine and the American media continues to be its puppet !
Smuggling necessary facet of life for villages along Syrian border (click title here)
Heating oil, bread and vegetables among goods trekked over frontier
By Agence France Presse (AFP)
Rita Daou
Agence France Presse
AYHA: As night falls on remote villages in eastern Lebanon that border Syria, streets and alleyways bustle into life as a small army of pick-up trucks, mules and cars are readied for action. Loaded up with whisky, bread, metal and other goods, drivers head for the dirt roads that zig-zag through nearby hillsides and valleys to deliver loads to fellow smugglers across the border before returning with staples such as heating oil, laundry detergent and vegetables.
"We work from around 9 p.m. until dawn," said one smuggler, who spoke to AFP on the condition he would only be identified by his initials of M.Z. "We leave home in our pick-ups, cars and even mules loaded with alcohol and other products."...